本帖最后由 zase 于 2017-11-7 14:32 编辑
东奥教育集团办公室位于北京魏公村北京国际大厦的十层,面积1200平米,作为以网络教育传播见长的公司,开放性与多元性最为主要的概念,达到人文科技与企业精神的统一。我们试图为年轻员工提供一个充满活力未来感和宽敞的工作环境,为访客也提供创意和创新的印象。入口设计没有多余的元素,展示公司高效特质,两侧的“悬浮”雾化玻璃小型会议室连接两个大的办公分区,弧形造型也保持轻松感和统一性。同时雾化玻璃的应用也空间带来多种变化的可能性。与其对望的大会议室即是提供移动办公的场所也兼顾小型发布会,拥有灵活性。门口处墙面放置大面积苔藓绿植保持轻松感。开放讨论区和中会议室互为联通可以提供小型快速的讨论空间,简单高效。走廊的天花造型和灯光设计暗合公司的形象颜色,也为空间带来变化。项目中所有细节元素的色彩选择、和视觉传达的信息都强调了东奥人的年轻和活力。 DONGAO EDUCATION CLIQUE OFFICE is located in WeiGongCun International Building,tenth floor,BeiJing,which has over one thousand and two hundred squares.As a online educational company,the main idea is its openness and diversity.We try to give all staff a energetic and large working place as well as creative to the visitors.There is no other elements of the entrance.Just the blank to show up DONGAO’s logo and expression.There are some suspend atomize glass meeting room to connect two large office zone.At the same time,it also brings us a possibility of changes in the office.On contract,we set up plenty of moss and other plants to make people feel relax.What’s more ,the opening discuss zone and middle-large meeting room can mix together to provide a temporary discuss and activities zone which is pretty easy and effective.Besides,the design of lamp and corridor has also matched up whole color and changes.All the details,elements,color,visual enjoyment has emphasized youth and power in DONGAO. 设计公司:索普国际建筑设计有限公司 联系电话:18600169765