项目名称:《心·无限》 项目位置:大连 东港商务区 项目面积:640平米 主案设计:于明天 软装陈设:张文杰 设计助理:于慧敏 摄 影:许远老师
明心见性 所有的事物都是能量的集合体,它可流动,在时间的维度里客观存在,亦如生命和生活本身。在冥想与静思中完成心灵的补给,在自然中寻找生命最初的源动力,这是生命赋予人们的本能。找到开启心灵之门的钥匙,让身、心、灵三者得到升华,在这里,明心见性,发现寻找最好的自己。 素雅的色彩赋予空间宁静的气质,在本源的状态里,生命回归最初的模样,抛开所有牵绊才能听到来自内心的声音和脉搏跳动的节奏。认识更好的自己,而后再去认知这个世界。 In sexual sees Everything is a collection of energy, it can flow, it exists objectively in the dimension of time, as well as life and life itself. In meditation and meditation, the spiritual replenishment of the mind, searching for the original source of life in nature, is the instinct of life. Find the key to unlock the door of your heart, and let body, heart, and spirit be sublimated. Here, I see the nature and find the best self. The color of the simple and elegant gives space halcyon temperament, in the state of this source, life returns to the original appearance, put aside all the tripping ability to hear from the heart of the voice and pulse beat rhythm. Know better yourself, then recognize the world.
茶饭言行 一茶,一饭,一段光阴。宏大到宇宙,低微至尘埃。享受自然馈赠佳肴的过程便是光阴中微不足道却又无法完结的修行,常怀崇敬之心、不忘优雅之态,接近并使之美好。 Not in words and deeds A cup of tea, a meal, a time. Grandeur to universe, low to dust. The process of enjoying the natural gift of food is a small but unending spiritual practice of the time, and the reverence of the heart, the grace of grace, the proximity and beauty of it.
禅宗之道 日本独立茶室创始人千宗易主张“放眼皆寥寂,无花亦无枫,深秋海岸边,孤庐立暮光。”用物质的极度精简来反衬内心精神的富饶强大。从外界的喧闹到尘世的安静,在这里完成冥想、自我启示与自我升华。 The way of zen The founder of Japan's independent tea room, qianzong yiu, said, "there is a lot of silence, no flowers and no maple. The rich and powerful of the inner spirit are backed by the extreme downsizing of matter. From the noise of the outside world to the silence of the world, it is here to complete meditation, self-revelation and self-improvement.
清心敬心 取于自然,以木、棉麻、陶瓷和天然材料颜色形成朴素的自然风格。设计师讲求空间的流动与分隔,各室之间以同样设计语言和手法相关联,移步换景,让人的内心归于平静恬淡。淡雅节制,深邃禅意寓意其中,是为最高境界所在。 Blessed are emphasizing In nature, the color of wood, cotton, ceramic and natural materials forms a simple natural style. The designers make a point of space flow and separation, and each room is connected with the same design language and techniques to move the scene, so that the heart is calm and tranquil. Quietly elegant temperance, profound zen meaning, is the highest state.
写意时空 山涧一壶清泉甘冽悠长、落日斜阳坠入眼帘、一抹秋韵的自然之美无法复刻,也无需再做雕琢,哪怕是一枝一叶、水中浮萍,引入居室便为空间增添了几分灵性。不经意间发觉,它印入脑海深处,轻触内心柔软之处。 Freehand brushwork in time and space Long hill a pot of spring the palate, the setting sun setting sun fall out, a natural beauty won't rub it cixin entries qiu - yun, also write in an ornate style, no need to do even a leaf duckweed, water, into the bedroom for space on the spiritual. Unconsciously, it instill deep in the mind, gently touching the soft spot inside.