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培养好身材也培养审美的BECYCLE精品健身工作室 Lien Tran Interior Design and Götz + Bilchev Architekten 为追求健康都市生活的人群提供了健身的场所, 同时也是一个培养审美情趣的空间。 BECYCLE是欧洲俱乐部首都-柏林的第一个精品健身工作室,为人们提供了“高能耗”的动感单车课程配备高科技的自行车设备,现场DJ选取的音乐也打造了一种夜店的氛围。BECYCLE专注于培养品牌独特的个性并为客户提供私人的服务。工作室为追求健康都市生活的人群提供了健身的场所,同时也是一个培养审美情趣的空间。 BECYCLE is the first Boutique Fitness Studio in Berlin, Europe’s clubbing capital, to offer “high energy” spinning classes with hi-tech bikes and a nightclub atmosphere featuring music from live DJs. Rather than settling for mass-market anonymity, BECYCLE focuses on nurturing its unique identity and providing personal customer service. The studio is a space for kindred spirits who share a healthy, urban lifestyle and have highly developed aesthetic expectations.
▽一层平面图,1st Floor Plan ▽ BECYCLE是欧洲俱乐部首都-柏林的第一个精品健身工作室 BECYCLE is the first Boutique Fitness Studio in Berlin, Europe’s clubbing capital BECYCLE从全盘着手,打造了多功能混合的最佳场以迎合当代城市居民的生活需求,并为他们提供了挑战自己身体极限的机会,一个可以体验夜店氛围,放松身心宁静疗愈的场所,工作室的共享工作,购物和休闲区也满足了顾客的种种需求。顾客一到达接待区,就如同到达了酒店的迎宾台。在这里,他们可以在吧台或休息室放松的享用健康的饮品和小食,或是在购物区挑选炫酷的运动服,或是在工作区处理自己的工作事宜。 BECYCLE is based on a holistic approach that offers an optimal blend of features to cater to the lifestyle requirements of contemporary city dwellers, with opportunities to test their physical limits or unwind, experience a nightclub ambience or therapeutic, tranquil surroundings, and take advantage of the studio’s co-working, shopping and chill-out zones. Guests arrive at a reception reminiscent of a hotel welcome desk. Once there, they can relax with healthy smoothies and snacks in the integrated bar or lounge, enjoy browsing for cool sportswear in the shopping area, and even find a place to get things done in the co-working zone. ▽ 顾客一到达接待区,就如同到达了酒店的迎宾台 Guests arrive at a reception reminiscent of a hotel welcome desk ▽ 在吧台或休息室放松的享用健康的饮品和小食 they can relax with healthy smoothies and snacks in the integrated bar or loung ▽也可在工作区处理自己的工作事宜 find a place to get things done in the co-working zone ▽单车工作室打造成夜店的氛围独有自己的灯光秀。 The Ride Studio itself is like a nightclub complete with its very own light show. ▽而瑜伽工作室是明亮极简的风格,极力呈现出平静和谐的氛围。 In contrast, the Yoga Studio is a bright, minimalist room whose peaceful atmosphere ensures a sense of harmony and balance. BECYCLE的重点是由几个不同的面板组成的独特几何形态的拉丝黄铜结构,其打造了一个炫目耀眼,独立动感的空间形体与现存裸露的砌砖建筑形成鲜明的对比,呈现了一个传统和现代并存的空间。此结构开始于工作室的入口处,如同一面零售展示墙,其中尺寸各异的壁龛中展示着体育用品和配件。 BECYCLE’s centrepiece is a complex geometric structure made from a variety of different panels with a surface of genuine brushed brass. This assembly establishes a dazzling, independent, dynamic spatial configuration that contrasts with the building’s existing exposed architecture and raw brickwork to create a space where heritage meets the cutting edge. The structure begins at the entrance to the studio, where it acts as a “retail wall” with sporting goods and accessories displayed in niches of various sizes.
▽独立动感的空间形体与现存裸露的砌砖建筑形成鲜明的对比 this assembly establishes a dazzling, independent, dynamic spatial configuration that contrasts with the building’s existing exposed architecture and raw brickwork
▽入口处的零售展示墙,其中尺寸各异的壁龛中展示着体育用品和配件 it acts as a “retail wall” with sporting goods and accessories displayed in niches of various sizes
▽中心区域的黄铜结构延伸为一个三维的形体,构成了通往浴室设施和员工处的入口。 Moving towards the centre of the studio, it expands to form a three-dimensional body that incorporates the entrances to the bathroom facilities and staff rooms. 该结构随之变化为一个储物柜和带有冷水器的模块,并指向通往工作室的路。 It then transitions via a unit filled with lockers into a module with water coolers before leading the way to the studios. ▽ 储物柜,Lockers ▽更衣室,Fitting Room 地窖中拱顶的遗迹可以追溯回建筑作为银行的历史,现在被改造为女性淋浴间。而男性淋浴间的体验与女性不同,从地板到天花板都由板岩瓷砖装饰,使其看起来像是从岩石中挖掘中来的一个个洞口。总体来讲,BECYCLE更注重个人的体验,将各个活动集为一体的概念发展到极致,而不单单关注于健身本身一件事。打造了一个备俱灵性,热性温暖的室内空间。 The vault in the cellar – a relic from the good old days when the building served as a bank – has been converted to house the women’s shower facilities. The men get to savour another kind of aquatic experience: their showers are fitted floor-to-ceiling with slate tiles, making the doorways to the individual cubicles look hewn out of a slab of rock. All in all, BECYCLE is about much more than each person’s pure, personal kick. Instead of merely zeroing in on the exercises themselves, it concentrates on pushing the concept of the collective happening to the fore. The interior aesthetics provide an inspiring, inviting setting for this holistic approach to take shape.
▽地下层平面图,B1 Floor Plan