本帖最后由 JoyColourSpace 于 2017-3-9 21:17 编辑
Z&B Fitness, Shanghai, China by More Design Office
Z&B是位于上海法租界中心地带的一家精品舞蹈健身中心。Z&B的所有者来自北欧,MDO的设计灵感来源于北欧的传统,材料的选择构成了简约优雅的整体风格。 A boutique fitness and dance studio for Z&B Fitness in heart of the French Concession. Inspired by the owner’s Scandinavian heritage MDO’s design features a simple yet elegant palette of materials. 深色门槛将每个独立空间连接起来,形成了一系列画框,优美的芭蕾舞者便成为了画中的内容。 Each space is connected by a dark threshold, creating a series of picture frames. The movements of ballet and dance framed as if in a painting. 代替传统的隐藏式储藏方法,MDO设计了黑色金属储藏架,以供健身房的器材整齐有序的摆放并进行展示。在储藏架侧面加入了健身使用的弹力绳元素,这些弹力绳作为储藏架结构的一部分,上下两端被固定在金属框架上,一直处于紧绷的状态,给在这里努力运动的人们带来力量。 Instead of hiding all the storage, the gym equipment is neatly organized into black metal frames. The sides of which are lined with taught black exercise bands, always under tension, kudos to the stretching and hardwork performed by the studio’s clientele.