本帖最后由 深圳朗联设计 于 2017-3-2 10:58 编辑
本项目处于被盛誉为“绿都”、“水城”的历史名城南宁市五象新区的核心位置,针对精英业主圈层而建,向国际化生活迈进。因此,自然、时尚、贵气成为了本案的设计代名词。 The project is situated in the heart of the Wuxiang New District of Nanning, a historic city, which is known as the "green city" or the "water city". Targeting the elite owners circle, it aims to pursue the international lifestyle. Therefore, nature, fashion, nobility have constituted the symbols for this project.
在空间整体和细节处的设计上,我们以高质量的水准还原当地自然人文,来凸显客户群对生活的追求,提取“树”、“水”为关键词加以诠释。 In the holistic space and details design, our vision is to absorb the local style and its culture with high quality, so as to reflect our guests’ pursuit of life. We regard “tree” and “water” as the keywords for the project and have them fully interpreted.
在屋顶天花、墙面处运用了大量暖色木条,“树”以直立成排的木条为表现载体,恰如层层树林带来无限自然气息;“水”则以流线型的木条配合灯光的变化来演绎,碧波如成匹的软缎舒展荡漾开来。 We use plenty of wood in warm colors to decorate the ceiling and the walls - the concept of "tree" is embodied in rows of erected battens, which just like layers of woods are presented, bringing infinite nature to clients. The concept of "water" is demonstrated by streamlined battens in response to the change of lighting effect, forming blue waves just like bolts of satin spreading smoothly.
而作为空间焦点的建筑沙盘区,正是安放于宛如画境的环境里,唤醒宾客对于物业本体之认同。 As the focus of the space, the display area for the scale model is placed in a picturesque environment, enabling guests to associate it with the philosophy of China Resources.
在软装配饰的选择上,首先,璀璨的巨型水晶吊灯让整个空间耀目生辉,贵气逼人。 We also highlight a flavor in choosing soft decorations. First, a glittering giant crystal chandelier makes the entire space resplendent and magnificent.
其次,以山、水、植物为题的挂画、抱枕、插花,进一步渲染出空间的自然之韵。 Secondly, the hanging pictures, pillows and flowers, all harboring the theme of mountain, water and plants, further emphasize the essence of nature.
而在空间颜色的把握上,我们以优雅大方的灰与卡其,贯穿整个空间,点缀宁静典雅的普鲁士蓝、精致典雅的红、通透明快的碧玺绿和尊贵丰饶的金,打造出国际化都市的时尚与典雅气质。 Our color scheme aims to bring out the international metropolitan fashion and splendor. Thus, we apply graceful and sophisticated grey and khaki to the whole room as basic colors, interspersed with the tranquil and elegant Prussian blue, classy red, transparent and exuberant tourmaline green as well as noble and vivid gold.
▲ 南宁华润二十四城销售中心草图 ▲ 南宁华润二十四城销售中心平面图 朗联设计RONGOR DESIGN
公司推崇自然与人文,强调空间处理,并致力于中国传统文化与建筑空间的研究。设计项目不仅得到客户及行业广泛认同,也多次获得国际权威奖项,包括美国Hospitality Design Awards绿色可持续设计金奖、AAP美国建筑奖优秀奖和CIID Interior Design China酒店SPA 类最佳设计奖等。与此同时,朗联还被评为“大中华区最具影响力设计机构”及深圳“最佳室内设计公司”。
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