本帖最后由 良太 于 2017-2-22 11:46 编辑
项目为一间位于大环路边的面积为110平米的公寓,其空间根据需求被划分成了三间独立的小公寓。 The starting point of the project is a 110-square-meter apartment near the Great Boulevard (Nagykörút). A property was chosen that can be divided if necessary, ideally into 3 separate studio flats. ▼ 三间具有不同代表色的小公寓,three indepandent studio flats each with its own color
如今,随着年轻人和毕业生的需求增加,小型公寓在房地产市场中占据了重要位置,而这一趋势也成为了设计的指导原则。设计目标是创造一个功能完善的微型社区,让其中的成员可以享受方便舒适的生活。入口位于L型平面的重心处,一个宽敞的门厅方便地连接了三个空间。 Our goal was to create a micro community where the members are the participants of a well-functioning small residential community. In the end the result was an “L” shaped plan where the entrance positioned in the flat’s center of gravity made it possible to create a large entrance hall for easy access to all three studios. Small apartments have a serious impact on the real estate market today, because young adults and graduates are mainly looking for them. This tendency was one of the main guiding principles of the design. ▼ 平面图,入口门厅连接三间小公寓,plan, the entrance hall connects the three flats
▼ 宽敞的门厅为住户的公共空间,the large entrance hall is the common space for the residence
房间的平面根据环境的不同而发生变化,相同之处是每个房间都拥有一条扩展走廊,在标识出附加区域边界的同时,使空间更加便于使用。为了强调不同空间各自的特征,设计师为它们赋予了属于自己的鲜艳色彩。 The plans of the apartments are different due to the circumstances, however all of them have a gallery to expand their area. The galleries make the use of flats more comfortable and also mark the boundaries of additional zones. To emphasize the individual characteristics of each flat these new zones got their own vivid colours. ▼ 以黄色为标识的公寓f01,the yellow flat f01
▼ f01的卧室,bedroom of f01
▼ 以绿色为标识的公寓f02,the green flat f02
▼ f02的走廊,gallery of f02
▼ 以蓝色为标识的公寓f03,the blue flat f03
考虑到年轻人的移动生活方式,储物空间被设置在了固定家具中。沙发和扶手椅等家具为房主祖父母的遗产,温馨而舒适,为空间增添了几分回忆的色彩。从过去的Csepel工厂中保留下来的灯具同样酝酿出了历史的氛围。独特的混凝土灯和客厅与房间中的工业灯具一起,成为了空间内重复出现的元素。 Bearing in mind the mobile lifestyle, storage is provided by built-in furniture. Other furniture – such as the sofa and armchairs – are restored legacy pieces from grandparents and serves for the comfort of the residents as personal and colourful additions. The lights rescued from the former Csepel factory also rhyme at the previous thought. Along with the industrial lights in the common lobby and flats, unique concrete lamps appear as recurring elements as well. ▼ 舒适的沙发和座椅,工业灯具蕴藏了公寓的历史,comfortable sofa and armchair, the industrial lights contain the previous memory