本帖最后由 大陀螺 于 2017-2-9 17:50 编辑
1927 Cassina 公司正式成立于意大利的米兰,是由西沙瑞‧卡希纳 (Cesare Cassina) 和安布托‧卡希纳 (Umberto Cassina) 两兄弟所创立。初创时期以生产木制家具为主,像是茶几、客厅用的小矮桌,渐渐地在加入扶手椅、画室工作桌等产品。Cassina 慎选作品背后的设计理念,有些作品在初期可能不为世人重视,若干年后这些作品不少已成为 20世纪设计作品的主流。 二次大战后 Cassina 的规模不断的成长。因为坚持生产优良的产品,Cassina 在家具业界享有最高质量的品牌美誉。在这时期 Cassina 推出家具产品也扩充达到完整的品项,从茶几、餐椅、沙发、寝具组…。随着不断的累积经验和来自不同国家的设计师的合作关系,Cassina 在新产品的研发上有更丰富的资源。
133 ICO系列单椅 -- Designer Ora ïto
历史和传统传承感并存,是Cassina的价值的象征:精细的木工工艺和技术创新的杰出组合。 椅子的设计是在与设计师进行深入的研究合作后开发和完善的结果,单看椅子设计非常简单,但其框架构造背后蕴含了深厚的做工工艺,除了精细的结构,使用的舒适度也是设计师考虑的重要因素之一。 The coexistence of history and heritage is a symbol of the value of Cassina: the fine combination of woodworking and technological innovation. The design of the chair is developed and improved with the in-depth research and cooperation of the designer. The design of the chair is simple, but the frame construction contains deep workmanship. Besides the fine structure, the comfortable design is also used. Teachers to consider one of the important factors. 550 BEAM SOFA SYSTEM系列沙发 -- Designer Patricia Urquiola
这款沙发可以单独使用,也可分模块组合或者搭配小边几一起,当代设计手法注重实用性和舒适性,同时仔细斟酌细节,增强其美学特性;柔软,舒适但不过分巨大的靠垫,高背,沿边缘缝合,侧面突出重叠背部和扶手,配备可拆卸内饰面料或皮革。 This sofa can be used alone, can also be divided into modules or small side with a few combinations, contemporary design practices focus on practicality and comfort, while careful consideration of details, enhance its aesthetic characteristics; soft, comfortable but not too huge cushions, high Back, along the edge of the suture, the side of the prominent overlapping back and armrest, equipped with removable interior fabric or leather.
246 / 248 PASSION系列单椅 -- Designer Philippe Starck
对于椅子的基座有了一个新的定义,可以装轮子或者移动的或者固定基座处理,也可以设计成新的郁金香造型,适用于外壳或底座的表面处理包括目录中已有的两种光泽版本,黑色和白色,以及黑色,白色和泥浆的新亚光表面处理。还引入了光滑的铝饰面,但仅用于4条和郁金香的基座。 A new 4-spoke base, which can be fi tted with wheels or fixed feet A new tulip-shaped base,the finishes, applicable to either the shell or the base, include two glossy versions already in the catalogue: black and white, and new matt finishes in black, white and mud.A glossy aluminium finish has also been introduced, only for the 4-spoke and tulipshaped bases.