本帖最后由 7_eleven 于 2017-1-9 14:48 编辑
北京一舍山居 / 大料建筑没头没尾的日子,慢慢浪费的时光。
Architecture &Landscape: DL Atelier
Architecture: Liu Yang, Sun Xinye, Lu Xuwen, Zheng Limei
Architectural Structure: Wang Chunlei
Architecture Electric: Hou Yanming
Heating and Ventilation: Zheng Limei
Interior: DL Atelier, Warming House
Photographer : Sun Haiting
立 意 | Idea 最近几年,我每年都会有几次,跟家人朋友一起,开很远的车,到没有人烟的地方露营,待一待,或山林田野,或沙漠雪原,什么也不干,就烤串聊天看星星,日子很慢,很慢。在城市里,人们争分夺秒,时间宝贵。而在这里,不开玩笑,时光就是用来浪费的。我们不会被过多需要去做的事情所纷扰,被时间所能换取的价值而束缚,也许,慢慢“浪费”的过程,我们可以获得更多。 Over these years, I always go camping with family or friends to deep mountains and forests, to desert or snow land. Those were where we enjoy the broad starlit sky together and keep far away from crowded city life. In the city, people race against precious time, yet time flies so slowly by spending in vain here. We were not swayed by considerations of gain and loss, which help us learn more in the process of wasting time.
▽ 建筑师在山野中建了一个与自然对话的惬意山居,Architect built a Court house in between the mountain dialogue with the nature
基 地 | Site 这里离京挺近,开车一个来小时吧,不会在路上耽搁太久,可以经常在热闹的城市生活和闲静的隐居生活间摇摆。 这里环境还成,虽没有极致景色,但世界文化遗产“明十三陵”就在边上,可以发现所谓上风上水的皇陵宝地确有神奇之处,城里雾霾爆表,这里蓝天依旧。 Our Inn lies beside Ming Dynasty Tombs on one hour’s drive from Beijing, which is convenient for guests to switch from the bustling city life to quiet seclusion time. Even in the days of haze, you can still see the blue sky here.
▽基地环境-上风上水的皇陵宝地“明十三陵”旁边 Site Environment – Our Inn lies beside Ming Dynasty Tombs
概 念 | Concept 这里不是农家乐,并没有打算体验农家生活,我们还是需要舒适有品质的日子, 这里也不是假日酒店,不会被各式各样的休闲项目分心打扰,我们需要自由自在的“浪费”时光,可以喘口气,缓缓神便好 。 This is not a farmhouse offered to taste country life, or a vacation hotel with countless entertainment activities. This is only a simple place to relax and let hair down.
▽客房与院落 – 建筑师建立东西两个院落,Courtyard and House – built the two courtyards mountain inn
▽ 东西院落各有主题 -自由自在的“浪费”时光,Courtyards theme – A place to feel the passing time
▽西院- 舞台,West Courtyard – stage
▽ 东院 – 玩具,East Courtyard – Toy
建 筑 | Architecture
▽ 东院外围,East Courtyard External View
▽西院外围(左),West Courtyard External View (Left) / 东西院之间隔了一条小路(右),Road between two West and East Courtyards (Right)
东 院 | East Courtyard 这里没有现成的饭菜,而是供应新鲜的绿色食材,我们鼓励家人朋友一起做顿大餐,这个过程比结果要享受的多,一个情感交流的时光,“谦让,包容,热情”等美好的情感和故事渐渐被激发出来。 Fresh food and beverage are offered here. We encourage people to cook, to talk, to interact rather than eat from the menu. The environment was designed to inspire humility, tolerance, enthusiasm and other beautiful emotions.
▽ 在明媚的厨房空间中一起做顿大餐,一起享受情感交流的时光,Cooked in bright kitchen and communicate with each other
这里的厨房没有躲在犄角旮旯,更不是通常印象里的脏乱差形象,而是充满阳光的,像舞台一样,全部开放,朝院子展开。其中操作台也脱离了墙壁,人们不仅可以面对面的围拢在一起,也使得大厨可以站在舞台中央,面朝家人,光鲜的享受羡慕和赞美。而高窗框入的远山,也给这出戏添了几分悠然的诗意。 On sunny days, this shared kitchen will be activated by sunshine, like an open stage facing the courtyard, the operation table was purposely designed as an island like a hearth, where people can cook together, the chef will be the leading performer facing the audience, who enjoys the cooking itself as well as the praise from viewers.
▽ 向院子开放的厨房,Kitchen like an open stage facing the courtyard
▽ 岛式厨房布局让大家面对面聚拢,the operation table designed as an island like a hearth, where people can cook together
▽高窗框入的远山,也给这出戏添了几分悠然的诗意,enjoys the cooking itself as well as the praise from viewers
西 院 | West Courtyard 这里没有标准的酒店客房,而是5个完全不同的独院套房,有的面山,有的近水,有圆有方,像几个性格不同的大玩具,散落在高台上。人们每次来都可以尝试不同的体验。 The east part are the guest rooms with different themes and design languages, 5 rooms are sprinkled on an enclosed layout, guests will be facing mountains or lakes from different angles, and therefore feel some sense of relaxation and freedom.
▽性格不同的各色院子,courtyards with different themes and design languages
这里客房之间并没有绝对隔离,而是通过多层院子的交叠,院墙的开洞控制,在保证私密性的同时,模糊了客房间的界限,也模糊了人与人之间的距离。大人在屋里安静的看书,抬眼发现孩子在窗外玩泥巴,孩子在迷宫般的院子间跑闹,也能时刻感受到父母跟自己在一起。 Families are most welcome, parents could read in the room and at the same time watch over their kids playing around in the courtyard, each family member will feel the connections in this atmosphere. Meanwhile, the spacial void and valid are interwoven together not only to blur the boundaries of segregation, but also to blur the distance between people.
▽ 丰富的院落空间,孩子在迷宫般的院子间跑闹,也能时刻感受到父母跟自己在一起,richness courtyards enable each family member feeling the connections in this atmosphere
▽ 通过开洞控制而模糊的客房界限,the spacial void and valid are interwoven together not only to blur the boundaries of segregation
▽ 抬眼便是天,Looking up and feeling the blue sky
人 光 风 山 水 | People Light Wind Mountain Water 在这里,并没有宏大叙事的建筑空间,也没有昂贵繁复的材料做法,就是北方农村常见的砖和木,我们只是进行了一些尺度和形式的调整,以及种植屋面爬墙植物等让建筑或退化或异化的手段,使人和光和风,和山和水的体会更真切些,希望会形成舒缓朴素温和的空间氛围,人们生活在这里并没有那么多目的性,可能感受到的东西反而会多一些吧。 There is not grand narrative of architecture or complicated construction method. Only local material as brick and wood are used here, with appropriate adjustment on scale and form. In springs, the brick wall will be covered by climbing plants and wild flowers, the whole courtyard will help people feel the sunlight and the wind. Our Inn, together with the background of mountain and river, offers a gentle atmosphere for guests’ aimless leisure life. We hope it is a place to feel the passing time and enjoy the comfort of being close to family and friends.
▽ 光,Light
▽ 朴素的木材,local material as brick and wood are used here
▽ 山和人,Mountain and People
没头没尾的,慢慢浪费的时光,不知道会怎样,我们和家人朋友在一起。 A place to feel the passing time and
enjoy the comfort of being close to family and friends
▽施工过程,Construction Process ▽剖面图,Section ▽施工图,Construction Drawings