2015年4月竣工的仓库改造项目位于爱德华公司大厦,一座悉尼最负盛名的历史建筑之内。大厦像楔子一样插进了Surry Hills快速再生近郊区的一条狭窄的街道里。 仓库在上世纪20年代曾作为茶厂使用,后来被改造为广告公司,但是现在则是一个300平米,跨越二层的私人住宅。大厦6楼的标志性拱形窗全被烧毁,门卫室也被拆了,取而代之的是印花栏杆后的阁楼度假公寓。 This warehouse conversion completed in April 2015 is in one of Sydney’s most recognised heritage buildings, the distinctive Edwards & Co. building. The building is wedged into a narrow street in the fast regenerating inner-city suburb of Surry Hills. Formerly a tea factory in the 1920s and more recently an advertising agency, the brief was to breathe new life into the 300-square-metre space as a private residence that spans two levels. Level 6 with the iconic arched windows was completely gutted and the former caretaker’s office was demolished and replaced with a guest retreat on the roof, located behind the emblazoned parapet. ▽ 位于顶层的公寓, apartment located on the top floor/公寓入口,entrance 由建筑师转行为音乐家的业主希望设计要体现建筑的舒适性,实用性以及对于这古老建筑的尊重。他希望建筑能便于日常生活,其空间格局与使用方式也将因人而异。 The client brief focused heavily on the notions of comfort, practicality and respect for the building. The client, an architect-turned-talented-musician wanted the architecture to be a backdrop that would facilitate everyday living and transform depending who was there. ▽ 入口门厅,entry ▽ 客厅,living room ▽ 餐厅,dinning area ▽ 厨房,kitchen 建筑师引入了克制而质朴的设计和装置,展示着建筑沉淀了百年历史的美丽肌理。 The concept employs a collection of restrained and understated installations that uncovered, retained and celebrated the existing heritage fabric of the building. ▽ 二层公共空间,second floor social space 考虑到成本,耐久性和实用性,建筑师选用了精致而节约材料的暖灰色板材,木材和光滑的白色一体化墙面,让设计不仅可持续,还可循环使用,独具匠心,引人入胜。建筑师将仓库的潜力彻底的挖掘出来,这次改造让历史的气息弥漫了整个建筑。 A refined and highly-considered minimal material palette of warm grey, timber and smooth white integrated surfaces was chosen for its cost-effectiveness, but also for durability and practicality. The project is not only sustainable, it’s recycled and it’s full of charm and character. The warehouse is embraced and the conversion lets the layers of history enrich the interiors. ▽ 卧室,bedroom ▽ 主卧与露台,master bedroom and the terrace 完工的公寓非常宜居,静待客来。 The finished apartment is calm, livable and welcoming. ▽ 一层平面,first floor ▽ 二层平面,second floor ▽ 剖面,section Drawings: Josephine Hurley Architecture
English Text: Josephine Hurley Architecture
Chinese Text: gooood