本帖最后由 懒汉烧饭 于 2016-4-29 01:29 编辑
瑞典艺术家Axel 是两位建筑师的儿子,从小就成长在一个充满艺术氛围的社区,他从俄罗斯方块和乐高中吸取灵感,他的雕塑作品充满奇思妙想,比如金色的挺着大肚子的男人,巨型的香蕉,变形过的棋子,顶着个长鼻子的无人机。
∧Model truck 35x20x27cm
∧Handicraft 25x13x11cm
∧Happy Times 41x16x17cm
∧Quality of Life 40x16x16cm
∧Lodge Lady 200x100x120cm
∧Model of surroundings 35x14x12cm
∧Modern Painters 60x37x30cm
∧Forest Bird 64x19x19cm
∧Endless Growth 105x70x70cm
∧Cliff bird 64x14x14cm
∧Miss world 39x23x13cm
∧Human nature 35x35x35cm
∧Tragedy 105x38x38cm
∧Divine beef 66x33x28cm
∧You pay 37x20x30cm
∧Peace drone 40x17,5x19cm
∧Nature Perfect 37x12x37cm
Nature is not evil, it´s ugly. That is why we have gardens. It´s like ok, but we can do it a little bit better by arranging everything.
We are obsessed by Tetris, order and man-made systems.
Computers likes simple shapes, so do we. We make trees to planks and clay to bricks. Building cities, like with Lego. The animals think different, with their nests and Lodges.
Before nature was scary, then romantic. But now we feel sorry for it. But does it matter? Nature create shapes and we create shapes. Surely, we don´t want to be nature. I create shapes and so should you