本帖最后由 idadmin 于 2016-4-21 21:43 编辑
项目基地位于海湾西北侧的岩石坡地上,纯白的建筑在高大乔木和硬朗的岩石的衬托下,显得干净明亮。建筑的主体空间分别被放置在了三个不同高度的台地上,顺着山势铺展,层层叠叠,且几乎每个房间都有各自对应的室外露台空间。建筑入口位于后侧,正立面则完全打开,面向一望无际的大海和对岸延绵的群山。 建筑的起居空间,包括起居室,餐厅和厨房位于中部平台上,其最西端是一个两层通高的的公共空间,巨大的书架铺满了墙壁。以这个空间为轴线,东侧起居空间的楼下,是位于建筑流线的最末端的主卧空间,这里同时也是整个建筑最靠近大海的区域;而西侧则是开放的,与自然完全融合的无边泳池。 The plot is located to the north-east of the bay area, on a steep rocky slope surrounded by the trees. The architects’ proposal is site-specific, the house expands along the topography. Three main volumes are placed at the different heights, each with its own terrace attached. The entrance is located at the back of the house and the front façade is completely open to the landscape. The social area, including living room, dinning area and the kitchen is at the middle level. In its west end, where the double height study sits, a hug bookshelf covers the wall. To the east side of the study, underneath the social area, is the main bedroom. To the west is a infinite pool, where one can enjoy the natural phenomenon of the landscape.            