HCD柏年设计有限公司选送的作品云山栖别墅谧居荣获2016 IF德国设计大奖 获奖作品:深圳金众·云山栖HILL VILLAS别墅谧居(TRANQUIL DWELLING) 设计公司:HCD柏年设计 主设计师:苏文、伍钟勇、高洁梅 所在目录:309-4-172104 Tranquil Dwelling 4.04 Residential
宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。 无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。 人瘦尚可肥,士俗不可医。 一直以来,中国人对居住环境都有相当高雅的品味,故有宁可食无肉,不可居无竹之谈。 在古今人居环境中,竹作为一种设计语言,有着非常重要的意义,清雅淡泊,是为谦谦君子。常以神恣仙态,潇洒自然,素雅宁静之美,令人心驰神往;以虚而有节疏疏淡淡,不慕荣华、不争艳丽、不媚不谄的品格,与古代贤哲“非淡泊无以明志、非宁静无以致远”的情操相契合。“未出土时便有节,及凌云处尚虚心”,是中华民族优秀品格和情操的写照,也是中国文化深深浸透竹的印痕之原因。论中华气节,三友中除了清幽风骨的竹,那便是清逸高洁的梅了,语出林逋《山园小梅·其一》:疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏,此词道尽梅的超凡脱俗、俏丽可人,亦乃贤人淡泊雅致的生活旨趣和精神追求。何来尔室香,四壁皆空谷。兰为王者香,芬馥清风里。若是论雅致,四君子中,兰花乃佼佼者,空谷幽放,是为世上贤达。竹、兰、梅有着共同的风流傲骨,或清瘦冷清,或悠然不群,如同人们心中的世外桃源,未曾到达,心驰神往。山水是一种生活方式,宁静悠远。这四者散发出来的都是提倡返本归真,回复本心的气息。 ‘I can live without meat, but not without bamboo ', a famous verse from Chinese poet Su Shi. Bamboo, as a design language, which is elegant and simple, symbolizing the modesty and plays an important part in the ancient and modern living environment. The plum blossom fragrance come from a tranquil housing near the city. It is elegant and pure. The vale orchid is like the elite. Landscape is actually a life style which is silent and overflowing. A tinge of returning to nature and conscience comes out from the above-mentioned elements.
本案采用现代的设计语言来表达东方的意境。隐去传统中式繁复沉重的设计表现,用减法来表达东方元素。简洁的栏栅屏风,由竹的形态延伸而至,减去具象的形态,点到即止。客厅与餐厅高低错落,即明确了空间界限,也体现东方意境疏浅高低的空间布局。人物动线清晰简单,无多余的拐弯抹角,围绕简居简行的中心,是现代人居环境一种新的尝试。 The design uses the contemporary techniques to convey the oriental artistic conception by subtracting the heavy and complicated design performance. The simple screen is formed by the extension of bamboo shape through deducting the concrete form and it stop where it should stop. The living room and dining room layouts of up-and down not only delimit the space limit, yet embody the oriental prospect spatial which is sparse and patchwork. Around the center of living simple and travelling light. The moving lines are very clear and simple, it is a new try for modern human habitation environment.
这栋别墅是一个样板间,一共有5层。各层的功能空间规划合理,理性地规划出一种全新的生活方式。此空间的设计造型简洁恰当没有繁复多余的结构,既延伸了空间,更达到一种简而不陋的设计效果。空间虽然有限,经过有效地利用,布局合理得当。 The villa is a model room which has five floors. Every floor is well planned in function, thus a brand new life style is planned out from it. The design is very simple and appropriate, which extending the space and achieving a kind of design effect of simplicity and elegance. Although the space is very limited, it is well used and the layout is reasonable.
现代人生活压力越来越繁重,城市生活越来越拥挤,人居环境越来越不乐观。本设计使用简单的语言阐述东方意境,希望能给现代人一种静谧的生活空间,在尘嚣中觅一方净土。简居简行,希望能给现代人一种更舒适的生活环境,一种新的尝试。 The modern people’s life stress is getting more and more heavier while the city is getting more and more crowded, and the human habitation environment is not so good. The design uses a simple language to convey a kind of oriental artistic conception offering a quiet life space for modern people through seeking a pure land in the hustle and bustle of life. Live simply and travel lightly. It brings a new try for a more comfortable life environment for them.
IF 设计奖(IF Design Award),简称“IF”,创立于1953年,该奖是由德国历史最悠久的工业设计机构--汉诺威工业设计论坛(IF Industrie Forum Design)每年定期举办的。德国IF国际设计论坛每年评选iF设计奖,它以“独立、严谨、可靠”的评奖理念闻名于世,旨在提升大众对于设计的认知,自成立以来一直备受瞩目,素有“设计界奥斯卡”的称号,本届更收到超过5000件报名作品,实为设计界之盛事。