IV House, designed by MESURA is an ambitious work marked by its long period of design and building, designed from the location&demand and formalized from its systems&details.
日前,西班牙著名建筑设计公司MESUR主持设计规模较大的IV House的设计,因它长时间的设计和修建而得名。从选址和需求出发进行设计;从整体系统和细节最终落地实现。
It is located in the countryside around the city of Elche, in a hot and humid climate and barren landscape.
The site consists of an existing home in the center of the field, leaving undefined surroundings: bad quality spaces and no exterior-interior relationship.
The first intention will be to limit the exterior spaces through a new built volume generating a triangulation between this, the existing house and the pool.
The intention is to separate the lived spaces of intimate spaces in relation to the climate, solar orientation, visual, topography and vegetation.
The ingredients introduced into the architectural equation (adding to implementation intentions in place and the response to the program) to IV are: structure, human scale, modulation and the atmosphere. All these ingredients are embodied through two main systems in place: Walls + Vaults and service packs.