本帖最后由 vooping 于 2017-1-16 10:55 编辑
雅典建筑事务所Kois Associated Architects为希腊的基克拉迪艺术博物馆设计了咖啡厅和商店。建筑师的灵感受到传统基克拉迪艺术形式的启发,他们将其提升简化并与建筑艺术相结合,让游客在博物馆的中庭中感受到博物馆的精神与基克拉迪艺术风格,还有不拘一格的古代集市般的自由布局。
The large collection of the Cycladic Civilization is housed within the building of the Museum of Cycladic Art, a distinctive example of neoclassical architecture in a prominent location in the city center of Athens. The Cycladic Shop and Café of the museum were recently redesigned by the award winning firm, Kois Associated Architects, in order to correspond to the Cycladic feeling. Inspiration was drawn by the simplicity of the forms of traditional Cycladic art, creating a merge with the building’s classical character. The proposals for the new store and café of the Museum of Cycladic Art are the newest architectural interventions, which coexist with the spirit of the museum. Upon entering the ground floor, the visitor encounters the Cycladic Shop and Cycladic Café in the atrium. The layout strongly connects to the freeform layout of the ancient “agora”. ▽ 商店 Cycladic Shop ▽ 咖啡厅 Cycladic Café
商店 Cycladic Shop 博物馆的商店空间由两个高低不一的矩形空间组成,外侧空间呈开放状态迎接来往游客,内侧空间则呈内向性状态向游客展示更多的艺术品,两个空间依靠一段楼梯联系。外侧空间的货架位于中心和四周的靠墙矮搁架上,墙面地面还有天花采用了木材装饰。内侧空间的货架形势却是通墙高的白色货架,顶部暴露的粗燥楼板与精致木地板形成鲜明对比。 The Cycladic Shop is situated in two levels with a confrontation between introversion and extroversion. Two rectangular volumes are connected perpendicular, with the first being extroverted and the second characterized by intense introspection. In the first area, two parallel blocks develop in a vertical plane, forming a cubist landscape. The openness of the space invites the visitor to investigate further the objects of the store. A linear path guides the visitor in the successive space, instigating an introspective wandering of allusions. Simultaneously, an intangible effect differentiates the materiality and form into two surfaces. The first part is identified by a partition wall, which creates a rhythm via recessed displays. The surface of the following part emerges through the monolithic roughness that flows organically to meet the ceiling. The pace, scale and morphology of these elements refer to monolithic marble blocks of ancient Cycladic quarries and the “anamnesis” of the architectural character of the Cyclades.
咖啡厅 Cycladic Café 基克拉迪咖啡厅如同宁静而充满阳光的城市花园,十分受游客欢迎,其最有特色的是屋顶白色遮阳架,阳光在这里被过滤而形成微妙的阴影。咖啡馆空间配色与材料(食材,木材,金属,玻璃)使用皆参考了基克拉迪原生景观。对光线的绝妙应用上,建筑师也考虑了除自然光以外的人工照明。另外咖啡厅的绿墙和大理石厂等出自景观团队doxiadis + team(Aggeliki Mathioudaki, Architect, Landscape Architect)之手。 Beyond the Cycladic Shop, the visitor is welcomed by the Cycladic Café, tranquil and sun-filled urban garden, with the characteristic roof screens that filter the sunlight, creating subtle shadings. The color palette and materials used derive from the natural tones and textures of the Cycladic landscape. Stone, timber, metal and glass are utilized to create an urban oasis referencing the feeling of the islands. The pinpoint of the Cycladic Café is the white canopy which refracts the light and imposes the specific Cycladic aura in the space. Kois Associated Architects was heavily influenced and guided throughout the design process from the scale, harmony and simplicity of the reinstated Thesaurus of Keros and the larger marble vessels and idols. The natural light is further accented by the thoughtful lighting design by Eleftheria Deko, while the marble benches and green wall reaching to the atrium’s ceiling is a work of doxiadis + team (Aggeliki Mathioudaki, Architect, Landscape Architect).