本帖最后由 idadmin 于 2015-11-11 20:38 编辑
主题:新中式风格 Theme:New Chinese Style
项目名称:五矿·万境蓝山(长沙)洋房Y2样板房 Project Name:Western Style Model House Y2,Wukuang.Wanjinglanshan(Changsha)
项目地点:长沙 Project Location:Changsha City
设计面积:150平方 Design Area:150m²
项目造价:750000 Project Cost:750,000
竣工时间:2015 Completion Time:2015
设计说明:新中式风格是对中式传统风格的提炼,不是纯粹的元素堆砌,而是通过对传统文化的认识,将现代审美和传统文化的巧妙兼柔,以亦古亦今和简单素雅的巧妙结合,从而满足人们的生活文化,精神文化的双重追求。 Design Description:New Chinese style is the refinement of traditional Chinese style,it’s not only pile up the elements,but the combination between modern aesthetics and traditional culture as well incorporate with ancient and modern culture and simplification,in order to meet the requirement of life and spiritual culture that people chase.
在客厅中央背景墙立一幅“寒梅”的中式壁画既有中国园林固有的借景效果,又增加了空间的层次感和装饰性。 Suspending a fresco called “Samuume”in the middle of the living room,it shows the Chinese gardening inherent effect,as well add the sense of layering and decoration in space.
屏风之后的客厅与餐厅的连通开放,提升了空间通透性,强调了人与空间的互动和交流。 The living room is connected to the dining room when drop off the partition,this improves the permeability of space and also emphasizes the reaction between owner and space.
整个空间以杏灰色为基调,简洁朴实、清雅恬淡、寓情于景,不禁让人想起宋人周敦颐所言:“予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖,中通外直,不蔓不枝,香远益清,亭亭静植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。” The entire space is in tone of apricot gray ,simple and tranquil,walking in the charming scenery reminds you of a famous poem written by Dunyi Zhou in Song dynasty:In respect that it is not contaminated even growing in the muddy pond, and does not seem seductive even being washing off in clear water for years .Its middle is empty, while the external is straight without any vines or side branches. The farther, the more clearer aroma. Standing upright in the water, dignified and clean. It can be only appreciated distantly but not touched blasphemously.
在家居设计中延续了明清时期配饰理念,提炼了其中经典元素并加以简化和丰富。在家具形态上更加简洁清秀,同时又打破了传统中式空间布局中等级、尊卑等文化思想,空间配色上也更加轻松自然。 It keeps the Ming and Qing Dynasty accessories concept in home design,refining in which classical elements and to simplify and enrich.Equiping with concise furniture while breaking the traditional Chinese space layout ratings and culture of ideological hierarchy.
艺术摆件错落有致的构造出层层梯进的层次感,浓郁清新的色彩碰撞加之柔和而温暖的灯光情调,整个空间仿佛是一幅中式主义的油画。 Art decorations patchwork layering construct ladder effect.Strong and light colour collide,soft and warm lights incorperate,as if the entire space is a Chinese doctrine painting.
主卧的设计用极简的线条与淡雅的纯色相搭配,运用蓝色加以点缀,创造质朴却不失品位,含蓄但不单调的空间氛围,整个空间有着儒雅精致的气质。 The design of main bedrooms is in extremely simple lines match with pure colour,dotted in blue,simple but full of taste,implicit but not monotonous,the whole place presents exquisite and elegant temperament.
在这个空间环境里,那些看似漫不经心的装饰搭配,却处处流露着精致细腻的幸福感。 In this space environment,those decorations maybe look unmindful.However ,they tell elegant and exquisite happiness.