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法国纳索 naco_architectures Argentinian born architect & designer Marcelo Joulia studied in France before setting up his own agency “Marcelo Joulia Naco” at the heart of Paris in 1991 with a global vision.
Global by its unique approach integrating Architecture, interior design, product & graphic design, video, scenography; global by its own way of embracing international cultures; global by its capacity to tackle any challenge with a refreshing view from individual homes, huge leisure complex, hotels, trendy restaurants, tradeshows, boat, plane or furniture design, offices, shops… In Guarani language, Naço means “intuition”, one of several words which characterise Joulia’s need for freedom. This passionate for images became one of the world expert for cinema design. This passionate of good cuisine created the famous Unico restaurant in Paris and is preparing the opening of exclusive Unik restaurant in Buenos Aires. Uno, his own hotel, will open in Buenos Aires in 2011. Today, 20 years after, Marcelo Joulia Naço has a network of offices in Paris, Shanghai and Buenos Aires and operates in more than 20 countries. There is definitely something unique, something fresh and terribly human about Marcelo Joulia Naco.
– Founder Marcelo Joulia Naco | Architect DPLG
– Knight of order of the arts and Letters
– Professor DeTao master of architecture and interior design
– Architect interior OPQAI
– Urbanist DAI, Master urbanism
SHANGHAI naco_architectures上海法国纳索建筑设计事务所
方钦正AdamFANG 法国纳索naco_architectures建筑设计总监,生长於台湾后赴英国攻读项目包含建筑室内家具设计。2010年不到35岁成為上海世博会中最年轻的国家馆(摩纳哥)主持建筑师。同年在上海完成的新衡山电影院建筑群体设计也是倾力之作。 近几年参与众多外滩保护建筑改造设计项目包括外滩5号整体改造总负责和北京东路240号四明大楼室内设计。
66, boulevard Diderot
75012 Paris
+33 1 4345 0666 SHANGHAI
2/F,No.240 Bei Jing Dong Road,Shanghai 200002 China
中国上海市北京东路240号2楼 200002
+86 (21) 6137 3437
作品链接: 法国纳索naco_architectures|Adam方钦正:西溪花间堂酒店