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设计项目:三亚管宅 所属业主:辽宁创滕集团 设 计:赵睿 技术负责:张大为 图像摄影:杨戈、赵睿 文字记录:杨跃文 编 辑:伍启雕、谢瑜明 翻 译:曲梦蝶 设计时间:2013年 设计公司:纬图设计有限公司
Design projects:Guan House of SanYa The owner:LiaoNing Chuang Teng Group The Designer:Rui Zhao Technical director:Dawei Zhang Image photography:Ge Yang,rui Zhao Written records:Yuewen Yang The editor:Qidiao Wu,Yuming Xie Translator:Mengdie Qu Design time:In 2013 Design company:V2Design
每一个设计项目对设计者来说,都是一个未知的探险旅程。大脑中的经验框架不断地被一个个具体的案子深化着。过程中,意识和情绪在图纸和场地之间游离,直到案子的落成,某种被定格的瞬间和氛围得以与时间纠缠,前行。一个案子,像一面镜子,反射着有关设计者的一切,并且连接他的过去,现在,并指向未来。 Every design project is an unknown journey for the designer. The experience framework in the brains are constantly deepen by the every specific case, the consciousness and emotions are free between the drawings and site during the process until the case is finished. Some frozen moment and atmosphere tangle with time and go forward.a case likes a mirror which reflects everything about the designer, and connects his past and present, and points to the future.
本案位于海南三亚,三房一厅,业主为一对老年夫妻。作为度假和家庭聚会使用的第二居所,业主提出的主要想法是:简洁,功能舒适,持久耐用。 This three rooms and one hall residential project is located in Sanya, Hainan. The owner is a couple. As the second residence for holidays and family gatherings, our owner demands that it should be simple, comfort and functional, durable.
基于三亚当地的气候特征以及有限的预算条件,设计者选择使用最朴素的材料和极简的设计方式来执行这个居家项目。所以,“轻硬装,重软装”便成为设计者对于这个项目的指导方向。 Designers choose to use strong corrosion resistance material and the most simple material and the minimalist design style to carry out the home project in consideration of Sanya’s local climate characteristics and the conditions of limited budgets. So, light hard decoration but emphasis soft decoration become designers’ preliminary orientation and design guiding ideology for this project.
首先,从公共区域开始。透明感,一种透气的感觉,被执行到所有的细节体块之中。入口大门处的玄关柜体,在兼顾鞋柜储藏性功能的同时,在形式推敲上也下了不少功夫。一方面,柜体与墙身灯带造型保持适当距离,形成了纵横方向立体的构成感; First of all, from the beginning of the public areas, the transparency, a feeling of breathable, is implemented into all the details of the body block.Porch shoe ark at the entrance not only with the functionality and storage, at the same time also took a lot of thought in the form’s deliberate. On the one hand, shoe ark keeps appropriate distance with wall lamp shape to form the three-dimensional composition sense of vertical and horizontal direction.
另一方面,通过柜体局部的适当镂空来丰富和加强这种透气感,它的比例关系与墙身造型互为映衬。玄关在完成它的功能性与形式美感之后,已经成为整个空间组成要素和构思逻辑的一部分。它,作为编织空间基本骨架和制造场地氛围的第一步,至关重要。 On the other hand, by appropriate hallows of the shoe ark to enrich and strengthen the overall permeability sense. Its proportional relations make mutual echo with the wall’s shape. Porch has clearly become an element of the whole space and a part of logic conception after completed its functionality and form aesthetic feelings. It is very important as the first step for space opening event and weaving space basic skeleton.
随着空间基本形态关系渐渐被营造之后,设计者的想法得以最终呈现。设计者认为,一个理想的空间,应该是随着时间的推进,被空间的主人逐渐地进行完善与填充。 What the designers want to express emerge eventually while the space basic shape relations gradually be clearly built, that is an ideal space should be filled in and tossed about by space owner over and over again as time goes on.
随着空间基本形态关系渐渐被营造之后,设计者的想法得以最终呈现。设计者认为,一个理想的空间,应该是随着时间的推进,被空间的主人逐渐地进行完善与填充。 What the designers want to express emerge eventually while the space basic shape relations gradually be clearly built, that is an ideal space should be filled in and tossed about by space owner over and over again as time goes on.
在这里,设计者试图去表达这种空间被填充和宣泄的状态,并且是以一种极度自我的,像是把空间占为己有的方式去填充它。空间里充斥着设计师日常钟意的爱物:样式各异的灯具产品以多样性的方式分布在空间中,色彩艳丽的玩具机器人和迷你椅子们,架子上尺度不一的储物盒,传统的老式木板凳,几幅得意的装饰画,墙上形式夸张的挂衣钩等等。 Here, the designers try to express the filling and venting state of this space , and to fill it by a kind of extreme self way which seems to own the space for himself. Space is filled with designer’s daily favorite things in the world: Different styles of lamps and lanterns products appear in a nifty way in the space, colorful toy robots and mini chairs, containers in different sizes on the shelves, the traditional old wooden bench, some satisfied decorative paintings, Form exaggerated coat hangers on the wall and so on.
这看上去近乎疯狂,这似乎与使用者的身份不太相符。但似乎,设计者在为营造轻松居家氛围的同时,通过一种看上去略显强势干预的方式,试图在一定程度上去暗示和引导主人怎么去使用这个空间,挖掘这个120平方左右的空间里的所有潜力,甚至改造它,颠覆它,让空间变成那飘忽不定且真实生命状态的守护者和参与者。 It seems almost crazy, but I think while the designers create a relaxed home atmosphere , they try to suggest and guide the owner how to use this space to some extent by means seem slightly strong intervention, to find out all potentials in the space of about 120 square, even to Transform it, to subvert it, let the space become the guardian and participant of the erratic and real life state.
设计者认为,住宅空间不仅是一个舒适的安身之地,更应该是作为一种欲望激发器而存在。它在安静呵护生命的同时,也在为主人提供一个更加立体和多维的场所,引导着主人,进行身体和精神的持续改造。 Designers think that the residential space is not only a comfortable home, but more should exist as a kind of desire energizer. At the same time of quietly life caring, it also provides a more solid and multi-dimensional site for owner, to lead the owner do the continuous reform of body and spirit.
赵睿:纬图设计有限公司/董事长/设计总监 1994年始从事建筑及室内设计行业。公司项目涉及大型建筑规划工程建设与设计,其中包括酒店和会所,公共及私人住宅,品牌展厅策划及企业办公空间设计等等。同时不断延伸创作边界,涉足绘画,装置,家具及灯具产品设计。力求将日常生活中获取的养分以差异性的方式及媒介落地,最终构筑一种相对适度和理想的生活形态。 ZHAO Rui, design director of V2 architectural design decoration engineering Co., Ltd. Since 1994 we have been engaging in architecture and interior design industry. Our business involves national large architectural planning engineering construction, hotel project,public housing, private clubs,villa, workshop, exhibition hall, office facilities, etc. We also engage in painting,equipment, furniture, lamps and other artistic creation. 个人荣誉: 1.荣获“13/14亚太室内设计精英邀请赛金奖” 13/14Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards for Elite Gold Award 2.荣获“2014年金堂奖 年度十佳餐饮空间设计奖” Jintang Prize Top Ten restaurant space Design Awards 2014 3.荣获加拿大“GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN/2015特别大奖” GRANDS PRIX DU DESIGN/2015 Special Award 4.荣获2014年IAI设计奖-“最佳设计大奖” IAI Design Award 2014 Best Design Award 5.荣获2015年金创意国际空间设计大赛“商业展示类-金奖” Golden-Creativity International Space Design Competition Awards-“Commercial Exhibition Space- Gold Awards”