这座美丽的彩虹教堂位于东京惠比寿,主要用作举行婚礼仪式。这座教堂是经济泡沫爆破前,一家大发廊为自己专属会员而修建的礼堂,虽然到后来建筑所有权几经易手,但其至始至终都被用作婚礼礼堂。 新业主要求建筑师去掉教堂中过度的装饰,突出空间中那流转的光线。为此,建筑师提出一个椭圆形的布局,并反射利用从侧高窗进入的光,让淡淡的彩色光线进入教堂,形成彩虹般的椭圆光环。 在圣经中彩虹象征着承诺。建筑师去掉人工照明,用自然光演绎了一个现代简约的礼仪空间。 A project for renovating a wedding hall in Ebisu, Tokyo. The building was constructed during the economic bubble as an annex to an exclusive members-only salon next door. Ownership changed hands several times, thereafter, but the building continued to be used primarily as a wedding hall. The current owner desired to eliminate the existing building’s excessive ornamentation and realize a design animated by natural light. To this end, we proposed to give maximum play to the oval plan and high sidelights of the chapel in the existing structure and to use light to produce ornamentation. By painting each high sidelight window a different color, we imparted faint color hues to light entering the chapel. Ribs arrayed on the oval wall catch the colored light, so that rainbow-like light fills the interior space. In the bible, a rainbow is symbolic of a promise. By giving “decoration to light” instead of using physical ornamentation, we have transformed the space into a contemporary ceremonial space. (Hideaki Kubo + Yumi Tsushima / Kubo Tsushima Architects) 

Project name:Rainbow Chapel
Site:1-1-29 Nakameguro Meguro-ku, Tokyo Japan
Use: Wedding chapel, Restaurant
Total Floor Area :1897.09.0㎡
Completion:April 2015
Designer:Hideaki Kubo + Yumi Tsushima / Kubo Tsushima Architects
Contractor:Fujita Bill Maintenance
Owner:Prior Corporation
Photo:Koji Fujii / Nacasa and Partners