大阪建筑事务所SIDES CORE的建筑师为自己的造型师朋友设计了一个自由和轻盈,充满漫射自然光的理发店。造型师希望客人在理发后心神愉悦,神清气爽。建筑师和他的朋友一起发现了现在这个位于角落的空间,改造时,建筑师希望能够保留这个空间的内在价值。 A space to refresh your heart and mind This design is for an old and dear stylist friend that decided to venture out on his own. He wanted a space where people to get a haircut and leave with their hearts and minds feeling refreshed. We started by looking for an appropriate space together, and found one on a corner lot. The name RE-EDIT is about editing something that already exists to bring out and preserve inherent value.
为了未来自由布局的可能性,建筑师没有安装固定的墙面储物架子和镜子,而是用钩子和绳子将这些构件悬挂。此外理发店的原有灰色外观被保留下来,同时设计师将这种色调也引入室外,形成内外边界模糊的空间。为了遮挡外部景观干扰,同时又引入自然光,建筑师在窗户上挂上了最薄的窗帘,最终整个空间充满了让人愉悦的漫反射自然光。 To make it possible for the owner to freely edit the layout, we hung the mirrors and shelves from a ceiling grid with hooks and ropes rather than attaching them to walls. We kept the existing façade and painted it grey to reflect the new tenant. The interior duplicates this façade, blurring the boundary between the inside and outside. Two sides of this corner property are left open while the thinnest of curtains cover the windows, limiting the view from outside. The curtains diffuse the natural light that fills the salon into a pleasant glow requiring no artificial lighting during the day. 红色和黄色的挂钩底盘成为空间中的点缀色。 设计师成功的创造出一个拥有自由和轻盈感的空间,让客人改头换面后提供神清气爽的离开。 Red and yellow sampled from re-edited light fixtures were incorporated into the space as accent colors. We created a feeling of freedom and lightness in this rejuvenating salon space and hope that many people will leave with their hearts and minds refreshed.
Use : hair salon
Designer:Sohei Arao
Design Office:SIDES CORE (http://sides-core.com/)
Photographer:Yoshiro Masuda
Location : 1F 1-7-7, Sakaebashicho, Sakaishi, Sakaiku, Osaka
Design Period : 2015 1/16 〜 2015 3/5
Completion Period :2015 3/7〜 2015 3/26
Area: 57.0㎡