项目概况: 建筑设计:Dennis Gibbens Architects
地址:美国,加州,比弗利山庄(Beverly Hills, CA, USA)
主持建筑师: Dennis Gibbens
项目建筑师:Oren Dothan
面积:520.26平方米(5600.0 ft2)
照片版权:Dennis Gibbens Architects 项目简介: 该项目要求对位于加利福尼亚州比弗利山庄的Trousdale Estates社区内5500平方英尺的原有住宅进行彻底改造。保罗·代尔在1954年从Doheny Estate买下了410英亩未开发的土地,不久就着手不断扩展单层住宅的景观视野。 这个住宅位于一条尽头路的顶端,能大约270度角欣赏比弗利山庄和洛杉矶的壮丽景色。这栋房子最初设计于1962年。弧形和圆形的元素被重复使用,在最初的设计中随处可见。 当前的业主购买房产的目的是将其转变成开放通风的当代住宅,用于生活和娱乐,并用来展示他们不断收藏的现当代摄影作品。这个改造设计永恒而高雅,既充斥着华丽的元素,也有极富远见的感性。 在整个设计过程中,我们的目标是重新编排那些多余的、使房子变得过时的各种元素。房子的构架离奇曲折,而又令人振奋。 外部的前立面重新组织为简单的柏拉图式曲面墙。立面采用了带棱纹的印第安纳石灰岩板。粗糙的石头与房屋其他部分的平滑抹灰形成对照。晚上,隐藏的上照灯散发温暖的光辉,热情欢迎来自八方的客人。 这栋五十年前相对朴素的住宅,现在享受着另一种生活。这是为善于处世的客户建造的当代洛杉矶住宅。除了前院,大部分外立面很简单,被粉刷成白色的曲面和长长的蜿蜒的映照着周边大范围景色的玻璃幕墙;某种意义上房子是通向风景的门户。 人们很容易穿过房子,被外面的游泳池、花园和远处的群山所吸引。从这个观点来看,这个单层外部结构占据了一个相当合适的位置。相比之下,室内设计因流动的空间、丰富的材料和精致的细节而显得较为复杂。 From the architect. This project called for the complete renovation of a 5500 square foot existing home in the Trousdale Estates section of Beverly Hills, California. Paul Trousdale bought 410 acres of the unbuilt property from the Doheny Estate in 1954 and soon after began developing sprawling view properties limited to single-level homes. This property sits near the top of a cul-de-sac road and enjoys roughly 270° spectacular views of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. The original house was designed in 1962. Curved and circular elements are repeated motifs that can be found throughout the original design. The current owners bought the property with the intention of turning it into an open, airy and contemporary home for living and entertainment and to showcase their evolving collections of modern and contemporary photography. The remodeled design is timeless and elegant with elements of swank to be sure, but with a very forward-looking sensibility. Throughout the design process, the goal was to edit the various elements of what had become, over time, an out-of-date house with some unfortunate additions. The bones of the house were quirky and meandering, yet encouraging. At the exterior, the front facade was re-organized as a simple, platonic gesture in the curved shape of a monumental wall. The elevation is clad in ribbed Indiana limestone panels. The rough stone contrasts with the smooth-trowel painted stucco exterior of the remainder of the house. At night, a warm glow provided by concealed up-lighting provides an inviting welcome to the property. The residence, which started out fifty years ago as a relatively modest home is now enjoying another life; it is a contemporary LA house for very worldly clients. Other than the front courtyard, the majority of the exterior is a simple affair with sweeping white stucco curves and a long serpentine glass wall reflecting the generous scope of the views; the house is something of a gateway to the landscape. It is so easy to simply pass through it, to be drawn to the outside – to the pool, the garden, and the mountains in the distance. With that kind of view, the one-story exterior architecture assumes a modest position relative to the dramatic setting. In contrast, the experience of the interior architecture is complex in its spatial flow and richness of materials and refined details. 项目其它信息: Project Team: Scott Graham, Ryan Childers, Ricardo Moura, Raul Aguilera, Shana Cunningham General Contractor: Winters-Schram Associates Landscape Design: Art Luna Studio Interior Decorating: Jamie Bush + Co. Cabinetry: Swiss Woodworking Electrical: Ecb Electric, Inc. Audio Visual: Audio Video Experience, Inc. Bathroom Plumbing Fixtures: Waterworks