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Aesthetic life 美学生活 紫悦明都销售中心 佛山硕瀚设计有限公司 杨铭斌作品
摄 影:Beni Yeung 主要材料:木饰面,硬包,乳胶漆,古铜色不锈钢, 项目面积:550.0㎡ 项目地址:广东佛山 设计时间:2014年10月-11月 完工时间:2015年01月
“美学的生活,就是把自己的身体、行为、感觉和激情,把自己不折不扣的存在,都变成一件艺术品。”这是一位法国哲学家Michel Foucault说的。 AFrench philosopher said, “Aesthetic life means to make one’s body, behaviors,feelings and passions, and his very existence a work of art.”
一直以来,建筑设计师都意识到“对称”的重要性;对称是很自然的东西,包括我们的身体。对称也影响着人们对空间的观感,并成为设计美学中一个重要的原则。 Allthe time, architects have been aware of the importance of symmetry; symmetry isvery natural, including human body. And more, symmetry influences people senseto space, as it is a significant principle in aesthetic design.
当人在对称的空间里会感觉平衡和舒服。而我们看到这个项目原始建筑结构时,觉得是个有趣的空间,八分一圆形的弧线内部空间;因此,我们结合项目功能需求以及商业定位,以轴线为中心动线,将弧线的内部空间规划每一功能区域。所设计的每一个空间与立面通过思考而选定物料,再运用物料创造出空间的比例构图。最终目的不是只追求空间的构图美,而是使每个空间都能反映出应有的特质与功能,也让体验者能够在其中感受生活。 Peoplefeel balanced and comfortable in a symmetric space. When we looked at theoriginal structure of this project, we find it very interesting that its innerspace is actually an eighth arc. Therefore, we combined project functionalrequirements and marketing positioning using axis as the moving line, divideinterior space into functional areas. Think about the selection of materialsfor each area and facade design, then use the material to create a compositionratio of space. The ultimate aim is not only the pursuit of spatial compositionbeauty, but to make every area be able to reflect its nature and function, butalso make those who live in them be able to feel the experience of life.
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