若要在众多蛋糕零售店中能够脱颖而出,一个品牌需要概念鲜明的店铺设计。芝作室的创作灵感来自于蛋糕制作和室内设计的共同之处:塑造的过程。受到品牌logo上一只小鸟的启发,芝作室决定设计创造一棵“树”。它既能成为小鸟的家,也能为顾客撑起一个充满庇护感的树荫,获得在大自然中用餐的体验。 “树”的表达形式成为这次芝作室“塑造”实验的课题, 以下的一系列设计记录了这个概念在具体实现中与销售需要,场地条件等限制因素的磨合过程。 The Tree Project To create a store identity for a cupcake brand, Lukstudio thought one common ground between finishing a cupcake and an interior could be the idea of sculpting. Inspired by a bird drawing in the brand’s visual graphics, Lukstudio decided to give the little bird a dwelling tree, and the customers a comfortable “ under the shade” experience. Having chosen the tree form as the subject of our sculptural experiment, these projects document the negotiation between the idea, the pragmatic retail requirements and the site specific constraints. 尚嘉中心分店 这店铺选址于尚嘉中心店地下二层,场地中间有一个巨大的柱子,芝作室将此难题视为一个进行“塑造”实验的好机会:把这个柱子变身成为一棵从地面延伸到顶部的大树干,在空中展开成为一个蜿蜒盘曲的“大树荫”,模拟蛋糕的糖霜顶部装饰。内嵌不同蛋糕图片的“观察孔”高高低低地分布在树干上,好像啄木鸟留下的痕迹,激起行人的童真与好奇心,邀请他们前来看个究竟。 芝作室还为此大树设计了一套定制桌子 -“Twiggy”系列,概念来源于一个简单的构思:用轻盈的细树枝托起一片可供使用的木台面。每根树枝桌腿的顶部生长出分枝,方便顾客将手提包挂上。此外,正方形和扇形的台面设计也使得这些在“大树”下的桌子可以根据不同的人数和场合做出灵活多样的布置组合。 L’Avenue Given a big column in the middle of the 53 sqm basement booth, Lukstudio transforms the spatial obstacle into a sculptural opportunity: a huge tree trunk extends from the ground and expands into a sinuous foliage inspired by the cupcake icing. Peepholes perforate the tree trunk, giving the impression of traces left by woodpeckers. They invoke childlike curiosity in passer-bys, inviting them to peek inside for some hidden treasure. The bespoke table collection “Twiggy” mimics the rustic idea of using light tree branches to support a timber top for use. “Twigs” branch out at the end of the legs to become corner hooks for bags. The square and quadrant shapes allow flexible grouping under the tree.
K11 Art Mall 另一分店位于K11,这是一个融合了艺术与商业的新型购物广场。在这14平方米的小空间里,芝作室尝试以另外一种形式表达“树”这概念。 就像垂柳枝一样,一簇簇木圆管从屋顶延伸下来,有高有低错落有致,在蛋糕柜顶上形成一个茂盛的“树荫”。并且,从吧台向上升起的木圆管成为了展示蛋糕的平台。 At K11, a new mall concept renowned for integrating art and commerce, the “tree” idea moulds into another form in the 14sqm small booth. Resembling elongated willow tree branches, wooden cylinders are suspended from the ceiling in different densities and lengths, forming a foliage like sculpture above the retail display. Sitting on the white counter, these wooden cylinders become display plinths for the brand’s signature desserts.
net area: L'Avenue 53 sqm / K11 Art Mall 14sqm
scope: storefront design, custom furniture & lighting design
design: Nov 2014- Jan 2015
construction: Feb – April 2015
project team: Christina Luk, Cai Jin Hong, Pao Yee Lim, Wesley Shu
general contractor: Shanghai MaiChang Construction Project Co., Ltd.
photography: Peter Dixie for LOTAN Architectural Photography, Christina Luk ( peephole shots only)
special thanks to Lexi B and Mama Irene 室内面积: 尚嘉中心53 平方米,K11 中心 14 平方米
设计期: 2014年11月至2015年1月
施工期: 2015年2月至4 月
项目团队: 陆頴芝,蔡金红,林宝意,舒炜
摄影: Peter Dixie 洛唐建筑摄影, 陆颕芝(拍摄观察孔照片)
特别鸣谢Lexi B和Mama Irene TWIGGY 芝作室还为此大树设计了一套定制桌子 -“Twiggy”系列,概念来源于一个简单的构思:用轻盈的细树枝托起一片可供使用的木台面。每根树枝桌腿的顶部生长出分枝,方便顾客将手提包挂上。此外,正方形和扇形的台面设计也使得这些在“大树”下的桌子可以根据不同的人数和场合做出灵活多样的布置组合。 设计师:陆颕芝,蔡金红
Chair_J104与J77椅子由HAY 提供 For the Tree Project, Lukstudio designed a bespoke table collection “Twiggy”. The form mimics the rustic idea of using light tree branches to support a timber top for use. “Twigs” branch out at the end of the legs to become corner hooks for bags. The square and quadrant shapes allow flexible grouping under the tree. Design by Christina Luk and Cai Jin Hong
Photos by A-Kai Photo Studio
Chair_J104 and J77 by HAY