Drake酒店在加拿大多伦多惊艳亮相10年后,推出了属于自己的乡村品牌酒店--德雷克德文郡酒店Drake Devonshire Inn,该酒店位于安大略省历史名镇Prince Edward的Wellington。当地以手工食品,美酒,美丽的淡水沙滩和季节性活动盛名。
酒店经营者邀请到John Tong以及他的设计团队+tongtong倾力打造这所位于浓荫深处,湖畔边缘的酒店,酒店共有11间客房与2间套房。建筑师立足于当地的乡土建筑特征:斜屋顶,宽门廊,砖烟囱还有多功能仓库等要素,旨在打造一个简单,具有世界性,艺术性的活泼个性酒店。希望客人们能和自己的家人朋友在这里度过不一样的周末或假期。 Drake Hotel to launch Devonshire Inn
Rural retreat in Southern Ontario’s Prince Edward County
Ten years after its revolutionary launch in downtown Toronto, the Drake Hotel brand is celebrating with the addition of a rural country inn, bar and restaurant in the historic town of Wellington in Prince Edward County—an area renowned for its artisanal foods, new wines, beautiful freshwater beaches and seasonal activities. Soft launched in September 2014, the Drake Devonshire will officially celebrate its grand opening May 2015. All Photos © Nikolas Koenig 
↑ 酒店夜景。一侧有大树浓荫庇护的露台与湖泊相连,白天在这里可以晒日光浴,夜晚能够赏星观月。
Cedar bleachers cascade around a tree down to the lake’s shore and provide a place to gather, sunbathe and stargaze. Venue Drake hotelier and visionary Jeff Stober brings back the original Drake designer John Tong and his design studio, +tongtong, to help him and the Drake team reinvent a circa 1800 foundry as an 11-room and two-suite inn. The relaxed, lakefront inn is tucked just off Wellington’s main street, nestled in a treed property with a private waterfront and a meandering creek. The historic building and its new additions take their aesthetic cues from Ontario’s vernacular architecture, celebrating its pitched roofs, covered porches, brick chimneys, multi-purpose barns, ad-hoc renovations, off-the-shelf building materials and mismatched furnishings. Though it was inspired by the qualities of a simpler time, this inn has a contemporary view of the world. As such, its features are blended with contemporary art installations by emerging and well-known art stars, and plenty of doses of the Drake’s idiosyncratic and mischievous personality. 
↑ 从餐厅望向进来的方向。墙壁顶部装饰着本地艺术家 Don Maynar的候鸟飞行装置作品。
Looking back towards the Pavilion, local Prince Edward County artist Don Maynard’s Flock recalls birds in flight. From a distance, the play of light and shadow creates an abstract pattern. Moving closer, the work is revealed as individual aluminum airplanes stuck nose-first into the wall. 
↑ 门廊开合式遮阳板能遮蔽太阳,引入微风。
The hinged screens of the Pavilion offer a shaded awning to the outdoor deck and open to bring the airy breezes into the screened in area. 
↑ 入口有顶走廊,为游客提供庇护并开放到达湖岸的道路。
The covered porch hugs the entry of the inn, offering a quiet place to relax, and a clear view of the lake just beyond. 
↑ 公共休息室具有古老华丽但不失活力的装饰风格。
A vibrant mix of patterns and textures including ornate decorative wall and floor tiles, floral wallpaper and exposed brick create a patchwork that sets the theme for the entire project. 酒店有多种娱乐空间:餐厅有超大的壁炉,还有阿迪朗达克风格的廊亭,公众活动厅风格是老式的,另外酒吧外面的甲板直通到湖边。 Guests are encouraged to escape to an all seasons retreat for a weekend; gather with friends, family or colleagues for a special getaway or celebration; or simply drop in for a meal or a drink. The Inn offers a variety of entertaining spaces including a full-service restaurant in a Douglas-fir lined dining hall complete with an oversized, double-sided fireplace, a screened-in, Adirondack style porch pavilion, a Philip Johnson inspired glass ‘box’, an old fashioned living room and a covered bar and outdoor deck with bleachers cascading down to the lake. 
↑ 酒店接待区。接待区上方是黑色天花。顶部垂下的斑斓艺术品连同华丽的装饰地面和墙面形成一个错落有致且充满活力的区域。
Entry through the main door leads guests to the warm hotel lobby with its heavy oak and black slate desk and the Drake General Store’s mix of custom and found display cabinetry. A vibrant mix of patterns and textures including ornate decorative wall and floor tiles, floral wallpaper and exposed brick create a patchwork that sets the theme for the entire project. 
↑ 通往餐厅的走廊,尽端为湖景。浅木地板,深色天花,白色砖墙上建筑师设计的画框中挂着Jennifer Murphy创作的群鸟组成的猫头鹰画像。瓷砖墙面前陈列着开放式厨房储物架。
The main corridor leads visitors to the main Dining Room and terminates with a framed view of the lake. The passage is lined by white floors, black ceilings and an array of carefully curated elements : a +tongtong designed steel gate defining the lobby area stops just short of the patchwork owl titled Bird by Jennifer Murphy hanging on a painted brick wall. The semi-open kitchen is framed by patterned tiles, sculptural steel coat racks by +tongtong and a blackboard wall illustrating local sites and seasonal events. 
↑ 白色开放式餐厅吧台一旁的黑板展示着当地葡萄酒产区地图示意。
The main bar of white painted wood, black steel, and marble slab evokes historic country general stores with open shelving displaying a wide range of items. Here, the choices displayed are made up of local wines to the region, amongst other libations. 
↑ A型钢构架+松木屋顶组合使得餐厅很有食堂的感觉。大落地窗饱览森林和安大略湖美景。绿色真皮椅和实木椅两相结合为客人提供舒适座位。
The Douglas-fir and steel A-frame vaulted Dining Room establishes the aura of a barn or a camp mess hall, with a ribbon of large-scale windows overlooking the forest and Lake Ontario.A signature of Toronto’s Drake Hotel, Tong’s One Arm Stools with green leather seats encourage guests to informally lounge at the bar. These are combined with painted wood chairs and leather and wood slat banquette seating. 
↑ 餐厅一角,景色迷人。
Inspired by utility and themes of old and new, +tongtong custom-designed dining room tables integrating floorboards and Corian panels in a painted-steel frame. 
↑ 有壁炉的客厅,联系着餐厅和客房。
Warmed by a working fireplace, the Living Room, in the heart of the original house is an intimate hub linking the restaurant and reception to the Glass Box beyond and to the rooms and suites upstairs. 
↑ 如同玻璃箱版的游戏室,可用作非正式聚会,乒乓球,私人聚会,公司聚会等用途。
The Glass Box is a light-filled games room that serves equally well for informal gatherings, table tennis, private parties and corporate events. 
↑ 展览区东墙上会有布鲁克林式流氓风绘画,强调酒店品牌与另类艺术及音乐的关联。
On the east wall of the screened in pavilion, a large-scale mural by Brooklyn collective FAILE animates the barnlike structure with a lively and rogue spirit while also underscoring the Drake brand’s ties with alternative art and music. 
↑ 楼上客房走道,可以看见入口接待处上方由 Kirsten Hassenfeld创作宝石阵艺术品。
Upstairs, the corridor opens up to the sunfilled space over the main entry, highlighting the jewelled site specific installation called Cabin Fever by Kirsten Hassenfeld. 
↑ 客房走道,当地鸟类挂画和多伦多插画家Gillian Goerz创作的浓烈花卉壁纸并存。
Upstairs, circular wood sconces puncture stripped walls of floral wallpaper and painted wood.
A collection of bird drawings called Notebook, conceptually examining local fauna, commissioned from Toronto based illustrator Gillian Goerz. 房间内的家具采用了古董家具与+tongtong团队设计定制的家具--大床架,书桌,超大衣柜。房间还采用了来自多伦多Team Macho画室的画作,此外还在房间中精心点缀舒适的羊毛毯和加拿大手工洋娃娃,让客房更有家的气息。 The rooms are decked out with a unique combination of vintage furniture finds and +tongtong’s own custom-designed pieces, including tongue and groove bed frames, drawerless desks and oversized armoires. Ireverent paintings by Toronto studio, Team Macho, hang alongside historic paintings in gilded frames. Cozy wool blankets and rag dolls made by Canadian artisanal workshops add a homey feeling and a smile. 
↑ 本地有用古怪娃娃欢迎客人的传统。酒店床上便放了这样的娃娃。
Continuing the Drake’s tradition of artistic dolls that welcome guests with their quirky personalities, each bed features a unique Merrill Doll custom designed for the Devonshire and hand sewn by Ontario artist, Jane Boyd of Firefly Works. 
↑ 每面墙采用不同的色彩粉刷。复古的家具与现代的家具并置,炫丽图案的地毯还有精心搭配的装饰组成舒适卧室环境。
The rooms are a comfortable mix of whitewashed floors, vintage and custom contemporary furniture with boldly patterned carpets and upholstery, schoolhouse lamps, and tongue and groove headboards. 
↑ (左)三层的阁楼套房家具和饰品从北美各个跳蚤市场淘来。(右)躺在床上看星星。
(left) In the third floor Loft Suite, vintage and modern furnishings, sourced from antique shows and flea markets across North America, create a homey feeling.
(right) A Star Gazing Room merges the delights of camping with inroom comforts. 主要套房非同凡响,其三角屋顶就像教堂般高耸,私人阳台向前探去,仿佛与湖水融为一体。 The “Owner’s Suite” is the ultimate escape, feeling like its own A frame cabin with Douglas fir, cathedral ceilings, a bedside fireplace, floor-to-ceiling windows and generous, private balcony stretching out to the lake. 
↑ A型结构下的主套房,其拥有私人阳台和面湖全景视野。
The Owner’s Suite treats guests to a private experience with their own A-frame space featuring a panoramic lake view and a private outdoor deck. 
↑ 从套房看向安大略湖。
The Owner’s Suite on the second floor overlooks Lake Ontario. 餐饮主要是以当地食材制作的食物搭配当地生产的经典葡萄酒。酒店所在的爱德华王子县位于安大略省南部安大略湖的东端某大型岬角上。从多伦多(两小时车程),蒙特利尔(4--5小时车程),渥太华(3小时车程)和纽约州北部访问都很方便,当地民风古朴,吸引了众多历史爱好者,户外活动爱好者,美食家,葡萄酒鉴赏家和年轻家庭前往。这里除了美妙的湖景还有700平方公里的丰产沃野,沙滩,沙丘以及众多艺术家工作坊。旅馆全年开放,房价229加元起。 
↑ 带玻璃顶的户外酒吧,这里也是欣赏湖景的绝佳地点。
An outdoor bar with a glass roof recalls the urban Drake’s famous Sky Yard. Its balcony view to the lake and an indoor/ outdoor fireplace centerpiece encourage guests to extend the seasons and enjoy the outdoors. Food and drink General Manager, Chris Loane and Front Desk Supervisor, Morgan Haviland will look after guests’ needs and desires. Head Chef Matt DeMille’s menu based on local ingredients, and fun twists on classic ‘Commonwealth’ dishes with all-time Drake favourites paired with local and classic wines and spirits. 
↑ 餐厅的部分被悬挑,小溪从下方流过。设计尊重自然并与自然融为一体,让用户领略到湖泊,溪流还有自然的无尽魅力。
The Dining Room, cantilevered over the creek.
Our approach looked beyond the rehabilitation of the former foundry to create a special moment over the mouth of the creek. The dining room cantilevers the site’s most valuable assets in an effort to reduce the impact of the collection of gabled forms. From this point, users can appreciate the movement of the creek throughout the seasons against the striking views of Lake Ontario.
— Philip Evans, Principal, ERA Architects