本帖最后由 李大脓鼻子 于 2015-5-21 09:54 编辑
项目名称:成都尼依格罗酒店 项目地址:城中最佳地段春熙路,市内最受欢迎的旗舰高端零售地标之一「成都国际金融中心」 酒店客房:酒店共设有 228 间客房及套房面积从 45 平米到 200 平米不等 设计概况:设计揉合当代精髓与传统风格,具体概括「完美邂逅华丽永恆」的定义; 灵感来源:尼依格罗酒店的灵感源自酒店集团同名之歷史探险家马哥孛罗之父、传奇探险先锋Niccolo Polo。酒店以穿梭奢华和都市之间的探索旅程,吸引喜欢亲身体验的旅游家;礼宾系列的城市达人 (City Insiders) 诚挚担任旅客在当地的嚮导,以贴心服务加上个人化的地道资讯,随时為宾客推介当地最型格、新颖、时髦、新鲜的活动,势将為礼宾服务奠下全新的标準。酒店进驻中国其中一个最奢华高端的零售地标,佔尽地利,牢牢地盘踞在时尚领域,不时為酒店宾客带来零售伙伴的独家產品与优越服务。在时尚以外,演说系列 (Niccolo Lecture Series) 亦為酒店宾客介绍不同界别的先锋代表,透过他们分享自身的探索故事,啟迪宾客的旅游思维。 网站地址:www.niccolohotels.com
[尼依格罗]作为香港九龙仓集团有限公司旗下马哥孛罗酒店集团推出的全新尊贵奢华品牌;为一系列时尚别致的城市酒店,将进驻中国各个特选黄金地段。尼依格罗酒店时尚独特,强烈风格与大胆陈述和谐结合,以创新引领品牌定位。酒店参考瑰丽的艺术馆而精心策划酒店的空间运用,以营造充满灵性的环境,让宾客享受其中。尼依格罗将会成为创意时尚的新境界,为宾客呈现[完美邂逅 华丽永恒]的全新体验。 Marco Polo Hotels, the long established Hong Kong-based hotel management company of The Wharf (Holdings) Limited, announces the launch of its new luxury brand, Niccolo by Marco Polo. The new brand will be a collection of contemporary urban chic hotels to be opened in some of China’s most highly prized addresses,before expanding beyond the borders of China. A symphony of dramatic style and bold statements, Niccolo hotels will be driven by fashion and lead by innovation and will emulate the seductive and ever-evolving indulgences of the luxury retail experience, enveloping guests in inspirational surroundings. Presenting‘New Encounters - Timeless Pleasures'and designing a destination that nourishes the eyes and souls of the traveler.
成都尼依格罗酒店作为该品牌首间旗舰酒店,将于2015年第一季度亮相蓉城。酒店坐落于城中最佳地段春熙路商圈,地处市内最受欢迎的旗舰高端零售地标之一[成都国际金融中心](IFS)。酒店共设有230间客房及套房,房间设计揉合当代精髓与传统风格,呈现[完美邂逅 华丽永恒]的定义;酒店各类餐饮美食均具有品牌独特个性,各式珍馐美味亦带领宾客的味蕾游走体验不同旅程。
The first Niccolo hotel will open in early 2015 within the newly opened International Finance Square (IFS) Chengdu in China’s Sichuan province. Located in the city’s flagship high-end retailing landmark Chengdu IFS. The hotel will reside at the most coveted location on Chunxi Road, undoubtedly the city’s best address. The new Niccolo Chengdu will feature 230 rooms and suites, each designed to unite contemporary spirit with traditional style to encapsulate‘New Encounters - Timeless Pleasures'. Niccolo’s dining options will also take its guests on a journey of culinary discovery with its signature cuisines.
Niccolo is a collection of ‘contemporary urban chic’ hotels with the most desirable, highly prized addresses. At heart, we are discoverers and rediscovers of luxury experiences, styles and tastes. While the hotels are meccas of modern sophistication, Niccolo also highly values the timeless pleasures of impeccable hospitality from another era.
在成都即将开业的五星级酒店中,尼依格罗只不过是“头盘菜”而已。群光广场的君悦、太古里的博舍、青城山 Six Sense、希顿国际中心的希尔顿酒店都有风声将于今年内开门迎客,另外还有明宇等本土酒店集团加入战局,可以预见的是,成都的高星级酒店房量将在今年进入一个爆破式增长阶段。
青城山 Six Sense 预计在6月15号开张了 鼓掌 楼主稍后整理好图片会放上来给大家先睹为快