form the architecture: The new Sports Hall neighbours the two existing school buildings introducing sports, recreation and club life to the polyvalent concept of the area. Three sides of the building are available for play and rest between lessons and are thus the new focal point and meeting place for the occupants. The positioning of the structure and the volume of the flat-angled roof together with the entrance area form a harmonic bridge between gym and outdoor sports installations. These features are worth special notice.
体育馆内部布局和组织伴随自然景观,将看台状上层观者休息及入口区与较低的健身区域相连。此外,内外部空间采用了交叉形状设计,内部设施便利,强化了体育馆设计的灵活性。 The inner layout and organisation follow the natural landscape connecting the upper rest and entry level over a grandstand-like podium for spectators with the lower gymnasium proper. Furthermore, cross-sections chosen for both the in-and outside spaces and the easy access facilities emphasize a flexible use of the hall.
与场地的概念逻辑和内部设置呼应的是其外在形象。体育馆地面四周安装玻璃落地外墙,开放又平坦。从外部向内看,或从里面观看外面的全景都相当壮观,这种视觉效果抵消了屋顶和地基的设计及材质观感,注入了一种创意十足的特质。不同的侧面尺寸及山墙使屋面屋脊形成对角状。交叉型基座使体育馆与自然地形和谐,看似简单的底部平面突然升起一幢具有现代观感、引人注目的多元化建筑。 The conceptional logic of the site and the inner set-up are followed by the outside image. The wide-open, coherent floor-level is surrounded and accentuated by the all-around glass front. Views of what is going on inside and vice-versa of the outside panorama are rather spectacular and counterbalance both in design and material the roof and foundation set-up bringing about a remarkably creative entity. The ridge runs diagonal across the roof being a consequence of the different gables and front dimensions. Under the influence of the cross-shaped base-socket, itself adapted to the existing terrain, the seemingly simple geometrical ground-plan suddenly becomes a diversified piece of architecture with a challenging future outlook.
体育馆厅是木架构,使用预制柱子和横梁(Kerto品牌)。静态布局的木结构不仅适合外墙和屋面的统一结合,更创造出创造性的外观,最终形成一个和谐实体。从外面看,这栋混凝土建筑根据地形调整地基,四周外墙是玻璃面,屋顶覆盖镀锡薄钢板,三种材料形成的安静建筑内部视野对外开放。玻璃评注及采用的丝网印刷工艺提供了顶尖又不刺眼的光照效果。 The hall is a wooden framework structure using prefabricated columns and beams (Kerto). The static disposition chosen favours the wooden construction, it’s creative impact and the combination of the front- and roof designs, all these features to form an harmonic entity. From the outside, the terrain-adjusted foundation made of glazed concrete, the all round glass framework front and the tin covered roof-construction appear as a quiet threesome of materials fit to open up the view into the interior. The quality of the glass and the screen printing process used offer top illumination withoutt blinding effects.
覆盖体育馆的塑胶地板可适应老化后灵活更换的需求,更在室内所有房间内都制造了一种清新明朗的氛围。 A consistent plastic floor-covering throughout the building fullfills whatever requirements there may be in respect of ageing and flexibility and moreover generate an atmosphere of freshness and lucidity in all the rooms inside. 有关支撑结构的事实要点:
- 几何组装框架所具有的复杂规格。
- 木料元素的不同形状和长度,各种连接角度。
- “Kerto”品牌的复合木板用于屋顶与结构时其最小型材的跨度能力与承受能力。
- 纯框架结构概念包括四周框架和重叠的T形条。
东面的窗户框架可以向上推拉。 Facts on the supporting structure
- Framework with complex specifications in regard to geometry and assembly.
- Different shapes and lengths of wooden elements, various connecting angles.
- So called „Kerto“ brand laminated wood used for structure and roo-f with extensive
span capacity and pillars using thinnest possible wooden profile.
- Pure framework concept including all round frame and overlapping t-bars.
Eastside window-framework acting as pull- and push force elements.