本帖最后由 7he7 于 2015-4-7 10:50 编辑
About Us DYD Design Studio (Fuzhou) is a comprehensive designcompany, comprising of Interior Design, Display Design, and Furniture &Decoration Product Wholesales. 大阅艺术设计机构是一个集室内设计、室内陈列设计以及室内陈列产品代购(实操)为一体的综合性设计公司。
Our company constantly works with design teams from Koreaand Italian industrial designers, and is part of the Amazon WallpaperCorporation (Hong Kong).We also currently offer Brand Design & Consulting services to various international design companies in China. 公司与韩国设计团队及意大利产品设计师合作,共同参与香港亚马逊集团(壁纸、布艺、家具、灯具)产品的研发工作。同时承担众多国内外企业品牌设计与品牌艺术顾问。 DYD Design Studio specializes in high-value homes, display homes, sales centers, hotels, private clubs, offices,restaurants, and other private or commercial spaces. Our services also includeIndustrial Design/Product Design and Manufacturing. 福州大阅艺术设计机构是专业从事高端别墅 、样板房、售楼中心、酒店、会所、企业办公、餐饮娱乐等民用、商业空间设计,并提供配套陈列设计(软装)及实操等服务。 项目简介 方案组成员:何承春 何金华 杨于默 项目地址:山东 项目面积:1500.0㎡