
文化的融合 设计师受到菜单上各方美食融合的概念影响,设计出一个以中国风为主导的,带有秘鲁以及日本文化要素的用餐空间。餐厅气氛活泼温馨,充满创意,为人们打造出一个异域风情富有想象力的聚餐场所。 A blend of cultures Inspired by the fusion of cuisines represented on the menu, José invites guests into a space that blends Peruvian, Chinese and Japanese cultures. With a design motif that separates itself from traditional folklore, José reimagines China Chilcano with a contemporary and personal take on a large, grand dining room- a welcoming and popular space in which to dine. Full of creative art, this concept follows José Andrés’ unique style, creating a singular space with a touch of the extravaganza.

餐厅入口正对一个街道风格的走廊,这里安置着工业风格的酒吧。装饰墙面所采用的绚丽壁画来自秘鲁艺术家塞西莉亚帕雷德斯的作品“两个世界”。进门右手的宽大正式用餐空间中,用竹竿围出一个圆形桌子坐席区,此外这里还有舒适的沙发座和日式榻榻米坐席区。在再往里,就是一系列轻松欢愉的私人空间和专供秘鲁酸橘汁腌鱼的酒吧。餐厅顶部的霓虹灯采用了秘鲁南部古迹--纳斯卡古迹的线条风格。设计师将一系列简单要素:回收的板条箱, 从天花板悬挂下来的梯子,钢波纹板,玻璃砖墙面以及木桁架等等,精心搭配在空间之中。巨大的窗户让室内外的热闹连成一气。 混搭风格的多选空间让客人以独特的方式体验丰富的异域美食。

Guests may stop at the entry of the dining room, which has a street-like feel and an industrial-style bar. Decorating the wall is a contemporary mural from Peruvian artist, Cecilia Paredes, called ‘Both Worlds,’ that powerfully welcomes guests in a colorful and personable way. Moving along to China Chilcano’s main dining room, which is bigger and more formal, guests will find a large, round table surrounded by bamboo along with other smaller tables round tables for easy sharing. For guests who want to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere, China Chilcano will offer tables with comfortable sofas. This area features a special Tatami Japanese-style table. Making their way down to the very end of the restaurant, guests will find a more private space featuring a ceviche bar, one of the staples of Peruvian cuisine. China Chilcano’s ceilings are decorated with neon lighting inspired by the Nazca lines, the series of ancient geoglyphs located in the Nazca Desert in southern Peru. The overall design line of this concept is based on simple elements: recycled crates, ladders hanging from the ceiling, and corrugated steel panels; along with pave or glass brick walls and wood truss eschewing elaborate finishes for a simpler space. The huge windows offer pedestrians a peak into the hustle inside, adding more life to the already buzzing Penn Quarter neighborhood. For China Chilcano, José offers a myriad of spaces to choose from, so each guest can enjoy this culinary experience in a unique way.

With the contribution of: Lorelay Gazo, Pamela Könsgen
Local partner: HBC Howell Belanger Castelli Architects Restaurant
China Chilcano by José Andrés
418 7TH Street NW, Washington DC 20004
Total area: 5,696.20 sq ft
Client: ThinkFoodGroup - José Andrés
Completion date: January 2015
Photographs: Ken Wyner