Here DeWayne Lumpkin goes again, creating another phenomenal guest house (in Ashland, Oregon) that no guest will EVER want to leave. He is a freaking genius when it comes to re-using existing furnishings and incorporating inexpensive vintage finds to create really fun and inviting spaces. The owners lived in this double-wide manufactured home while they were building their "Dream Home" further up the hill. We used 75% of their furniture - adding textiles, lighting, accent pieces and some furniture along the way. A broken pipe in the kitchen went unnoticed and caused much damage before being discovered. I was brought in to do the kitchen on December 27, 2014 - an insurance job and my first kitchen. After haggling with the insurance company over the difference between my bid and their adjuster's estimate. With ordering custom cabinets and rebuilding the kitchen from sub-floor up - that work took about 60 days. Then, last Tuesday we started on the rest of the house - which was ready to go in 6 days - I did have a few tricks up my sleeve and we had a painter, electrician & plumber deal with any issues that arose prior to the start date on restyling the rest of the house. We finished on Sunday afternoon and did all the other rooms in the house within the 6 day window. SIX DAYS????!!!!! Dewayne really is a genius.