保鲜系列是洛杉矶艺术家Blake Little的新作,将于2015年3月7日到4月18日在洛杉矶的科佩金画廊展出。该系列作品屡获殊荣。不同年龄,背景,体型的人们被蜂蜜包裹,以个人化的形象视人,摄影师敏锐的扑捉到人们的个性,能量,情绪,拍摄出一幅幅感性且独一无二的强大作品。 半透明的甜美蜂蜜是来自大自然的神奇产物,其色彩和粘稠度是无以伦比的视觉“油漆”,在与人体接触时其天生具有的密度,重量,光感,透明度以及粘滞度都都营造绝妙的雕塑感和摄影感。摄影师告诉gooood:“我不希望仅仅拍摄漂亮的人,我希望能够拍摄有趣的,独特的人。”参与的人没有被告诉详细细节,只知道这是一个艺术项目。参与的对象有情侣,婴儿,老人,胖子,年轻人,狗,等等。被蜂蜜包裹的对象各有各自的反应,有的为此陶醉,有的强忍,还有的嬉闹......每个人都不一样,每个人都有自己独特的情感表达方式,这些要素组成了一个颠覆性的,十分成功的肖像系列。 With “preservation”, Blake Little Creates Images
that Are Classical And Primal, Modern And Ancient.
kopeikin Gallery
march 7 – April 18, 2015
2766 S. La Cienega Blvd.
opening Reception
march 7, 6-8 Pm
artist Q&a And Book Signing
thursday, March 26, 7 Pm Culver City, CA – Artist Blake Little’s new series, in which his portrait subjects are covered in gallons of honey while being photographed, explores the idea of “Preservation” with stunning, unforgettable results, at Kopeikin Gallery, March 7 – April 18, 2015. Little joins Kopeikin to present a new exhibition of selected photographs from the Preservation series, marking the release of the project’s monograph, Little’s fourth book, Preservation. The Preservation photographs have won multiple awards, including American Photography AP29 in 2012 and second place in the “Fine Art: Nudes” category of International Photography Awards in 2013. This unique process reveals art-historical memes and powerful emotions in sensual, magical, and utterly unique images portraying a range of individuals of varying ages, backgrounds, and body types—each interacting with the sticky-sweet, evocative, sculptural drama of the process in different ways. Available for pre-order from early February, Little will also have copies for purchase and signing at his Opening Reception on March 7 and at the Artist Q&A and Book Signing on Thursday, March 26. Little had the inspiration for the process in the course of another portrait series; it sprang from the specific narrative iconography of one story, but soon morphed into a broader obsession. An award-winning photographer best known as a portraitist with an uncanny ability to intimately capture the energy and personality of his subjects, he frequently photographs celebrities and high-profile artists. But as Little describes the honey’s specific effects, “It has a way of diffusing the personal qualities of the subject often making them unrecognizable and democratizing the individual with universal iconic qualities.” Since the subjects are forced to close their eyes during the pour, their emotionality expresses itself in other means, like body language, musculature, and controlled or reactive facial expression -- heightening their relationship to classical sculpture as from the ancient world of Greece, Rome, and in particular, the volcanic figures of Pompeii.