"A space"临时售楼空间建立在德国柏林一座废弃的前剧院建筑中,是房地产开发商ziegert与设计师plajer & franz studio 合作打造出的魅力临时售楼展示空间。全新的高品质材料与原有的残垣断壁形成鲜明对比。8米高空间原封不动的被保留。深色沙发与黑钢桌子,黑钢灯具点缀在空间中。5米长的白色纱帘从顶部螺旋而下。空间氛围工业感强烈但不失优雅。契合空间名称“A space”的超大A字母灯饰挂在接待台正上方,就像上世纪早期的影院灯光广告。销售空间的入口门厅悬挂了一幅该地区的地图。内部高空间销售区提供了宽敞的展示空间和惬意的交流空间。平面的建筑画板与立体的房屋模型给客人直观的建筑展示。
A former movie theatre, in a previous industrial building in berlin mitte has been fully redesigned and given a new image. the location is now home to a temporary showroom for real estate agent ziegert. the berlin based architecture and design firm plajer & franz studio took over the recreation turning ‘A SPACE’ into a real eye-catcher with convincing charm.

A fascinating symbiosis between industrial attributes and high-quality materials is responsible for the distinctive character trait. to achieve this the original space has been gutted, the inserted cei ling removed and a room with almost 8 meters ceiling height - corresponding the original state as a theatre screen - created. the wal ls have been left in its‘ primar, brick-lined condition showing the exposed brick wood including traces of repair works from the last decades. seating furniture are made of dark oiled standard industrial palettes, yet covered with a premium-quality upholstery. all tables (loungetable, exposétable, model-tabel) are made of black steel; the bar at the end of aleppo pine. noble, up to five meters long thread curtains hang above the counseling islands and serve as partitions structuring the space. a light bulb installation in the shape of an „A“ reminds us of illuminated advertising known from cinemas of the 20s and in thus reveals the original function of the space. The showroom serves the presentation and sale of lofts in the arkona courts (the location of A space), which have been built by natulis and are being marketed by ziegert immobilien. The design had to correspond this functional purposes and offer spacious presentation opportunities as well as lounge areas for client communication. a city map of the area greets the customers at the entrance while a model of the building and floor plans on the walls are giving a visual idea of the apartments for sale. at the end of the spacious open space is a small bar for drinks and snacks accompanying consultation. also the youngest visitors will no get bored… a kid’s corner awaits them. „A space“came into being within a very short period and on low-budget. however, the contemporary and sophisticated atmosphere of the space will surprise and excite clients and passersby for at least three month!

project name : A space – lofts in berlin mitte
adress : kremmener strasse 9-1 1
10435 berlin
client : ziegert immobilien gmbh
design : plajer & franz studio gbr
erkelenzdamm 59-61
10999 berlin
project manager : sophie gatzke
surface area : 400 sqm / ca. 300 sqm floor space
date of completion : december 2014