悠闲惬意的周末。 The Snow Apartement by penda is located in Zhangjiakou, which is a famous skiing region 160km North of Beijing and offers a weekend-getaway
for the client and his friends. “雪屋”的设计中设计师从融化的雪的形态中找到灵感,将自然优美的曲线应用于室内空间形态设计中,白色的曲面把墙面和顶面联系成一个整体, 以此来达到一个连贯完整的洞穴空间,使参观者拥有一种独特而优美的审美体验。同时,室内的曲线设计与室外绵延的山峦呼应,内外融为一体。 The design of the apartment is inspired by a melting snowfield in spring, when nature slowly revives from winter and offers a contrast of cold and
warm, white and colored. This atmosphere was translated into architecture by hand-plastered, white shells, which cover walls and the ceiling and
creat a seamless space, which guides visitors naturally through the apartement. The curves of the interior responds in a very direct way to the outside
landscape of mountains and valleys. 在曲面的洞穴墙壁上,嵌入了不同的休息区或者艺术品展示区。嵌入的部分采用温暖的木头与白色墙面对比结合,白色的墙面和地板之间留出了50mm
完全替代了冰冷的GRG现代材料,使得空间中充满了手工的质感。 同时设计中将暖气管道设置在墙体内部,通过墙体散热供暖。当客人从户外严寒环境
中滑雪归来,令客人感觉到更加温暖和温馨舒适的感觉。 Introducing a warm and natural element into the apartment, the white shells are partially cutted by wooden boxes, which provide areas for relaxing,
communicating and displaying artwork. The walls are lifted up 5cm and backlit which creates a clear differentiation between the white shells and the
wooden fir-floor. The upper parts of the shells are partly cutted and back-lit by LEDs as well. Therfor the ceiling becomes a field of ambient lighting,
forming an atmospherical and organisational element throughout the apartment. To enable this uniform - seemsless space, undulated timber slates create a back-layer, on which local craftmen hand-plastered the white, rough wall-finish.
Using plaster is very common element in the north of China and has a long tradition, which can be seen in the accurate details in the apartment. Using the
local knowledge of the craftmen's technique of how to use plaster for double curved walls (instead of CNC milled panels), gives the apartment a very natural
and honest ambience. 白色曲面在整个空间内部蜿蜒延伸,使门厅、公共空间和休息空间融为一个整体。空间布局包括7个卧室,1个大衣帽间还有滑雪设备储藏室,3个浴
室和一个位于中间的大起居室。 The shells flow through the space, creating hybrid conditions of the hallway, the public areas and the private rooms. The layout of the apartement
features 7 bedrooms, a large cloakroom and storage for the skiing equipment, several bathrooms and a large living room in its center. 曲面墙体引导客人至一个螺旋式楼梯,楼梯引导客人来到楼上的“冰宅”部分,楼上的空间主要用于用餐和派对,基于原始的空间结构,空间形态如起
阿尔卑斯山的惬意。 The curved walls guide the guests to a spiral staircase, which leads to the upper floor of the apartement, offering a more formal living and dining
experience with direct access to a large roof terrace. 我们把会所设计成一个丰富多变的冰雪空间。客人们在这里过夜的体验和在野外的体验是类似的。这让所有来过这里的人都流连忘返。情感让空间多
了一层温度,记忆拉近了建筑和人的距离。客人们在冰雪宅的经历注定将是他们那个冬天里难忘的回忆。 A network of heating pipes is resting behind the plastered shells and emits its warmth through the walls into the apartement. The warmness together
with the handcrafted finish of the shells provide a very haptic and cozy feeling to the guests, when they return from a cold day on the skiing slopes. 设计公司名称:槃达建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司
项目名称:冰雪宅滑雪会所/ The Ice& Snow Club house
设计师姓名:孙大勇、Chris Precht
项目设计时间: 2012
项目完工时间: 2013
主要材料:石膏板 、木地板、瓷砖、艺术玻璃、乳胶漆