来自建筑师:当我开始这个店铺的设计构思时,我只有一个简单却又引人入胜的想法,那就是所有的设计元素都将“从天而降”- 因此顾客将有 充足自由的购物浏览空间而不被一般店铺底面中所摆放的家具和销售单品所阻碍。首先我们使用一个模型软件来模仿用材的物理特性,创造出 一个可拉伸有张力的天花吊顶仿佛真实地被各类物件的重量所影响从而垂坠了下来。其次我们考虑到了店铺中所必须的一些设备例如照明、音 响、消防喷淋、摄像头、空调和通风等,所以“可渗透”型的半开式吊顶外观想法则理所应当的浮出了水面。以上则是垂坠吊顶的创作本意, 好似对转瞬即逝商品的片刻拥抱支撑。 我们提供给了厂家数以万计将从天而降不同形状的垂坠片文件,幸好最终可以快速镭射切割这些垂坠片而不用施工方一片片手工切割。我们之 所以使用极薄半透明玻璃纤维的原因在于该材料不仅有极高的阻燃性,同时还能反射灯光从而达到精彩壮观的照明效果,而最终创造出空灵柔 美的天花吊顶景观设计,为所有“时尚的羔羊”提供了无与伦比的购物氛围。 form the architect : When I started this retail project there was a simple and appealing idea of hanging everything from the ceiling – thus moving out of the way the furniture and items to be sold so that all the floor space could be free for customers to circulate. So using a software that simulates the physics of real materials, we imagined an elastic ceiling that was pulled down by the weight of these various objects. The next step was to think about the technical equipment necessary for the store such as lighting, speakers, sprinklers, cameras, AC and ventilation so it was natural to think of this ceiling as a permeable surface. This was the origin of the ethereal white ceiling; an ephemeral support for ephemeral objects. We provided the factory with a file of more than 10,000 different shapes of stripes to hang on the ceiling and thank goodness each piece was not hand crafted by the Chinese workers but was precision cut by machines in a super short time. We used a very thin white translucent fiberglass material because of its fire resistance and the good way it reacted to light reflection thus creating a ceiling landscape that would be a spectacular source of light, beauty and emptiness; perfect for every fashion victim. Although the store is not very big the extension of the ceiling landscape is apparently endless thanks to mirror walls that disorient the visitors walking around these ethereal ceiling cavities.
尽管店铺的面积规模不大上万片的垂坠片又绵延不绝,但是设计中安置的镜面玻璃巧妙地缓解了这个问题,与此同时还创造出了飘渺的内部环 境让购物者忘我并迷失于这片时尚“帘洞”中。 这片谜样的天空垂坠片无疑是该空间的绝对主角,因此我们使用了回收木材装点室内铺地及墙面而从在整体环境中更凸显坠片所制造的“幻境”。 另外,我们也为店铺设计了实用的“毛毡箱”用来作为店内唯一提供沙发,收银台,陈列柜等功能性的家具组件。 最后,店铺外立面仅用半透明的磨砂玻璃来映衬出店内垂坠片剖面图,从而创造出简约但壮观的外观效果来吸引更多于重庆WFC商场中流连的 访客。
This heavenly ceiling is surely the protagonist of the space; we chose recycled timber as a dark background for the floor and walls to make the
ceiling emerge from the general environment. Finally we designed simple cubical volumes covered with soft grey felt as the only furniture which the shop could use as sofas, cash desk and product displayers. The store façade is left transparent simply showing the striped section of the ceiling volume thus creating a sculptural attraction for the visitors to the Chongqing World Financial Center. SND 概念店设计人员名单:
项目简述:时尚店铺,展示区域包括:服装、鞋类、首饰、眼镜、设计单品、书籍,休息区,DJ台, 2间试衣间,办公区域。
总设计师: Francesco Gatti
项目经理: Valentina Brunetti
设计团队:Cianan Alexander Crowley, Jovan Kocic, Carole Chan Liat, YingLing Kong, Pao Yee Lim, Bogdan Chipara
总建筑面积: 180 平方米
Fashion store products exhibition area (dresses, shoes, jewelry, glasses, design products, books), lounge area, DJ console, two fitting rooms, office room
Architecture firm: 3GATTI
Chief architect: Francesco Gatti
Project manager: Valentina Brunetti
Collaborators: Carole Chan Liat,Cianan Alexander Crowley,YingLing Kong, Bogdan Chipara,Jovan Kocic, Pao Yee Lim
Client: Chongqing Xingjun Trade Pty Ltd.
Contractor: Zhao YiLong
Location: WFC mall, Chongqing
Total floor area: 180 .0m²
Design period: May-June 2014
Construction period: July-August 2014
Materials: white translucent fiberglass sheets,recycled timber,grey felt, mirror glass, steel structure.
Photographer: Shen Qiang