位于日本的emmanuelle moureaux architecture + design设计公司分享了他们巢鸭信用银行第四分部设计项目。 装置作品。
位于主要路口的巢鸭信用银行第四分部依然一改通常银行的沉闷,其外部跳跃着色彩缤纷,深浅不一的立方体,这些立方体共有4种深度,色彩 着色于正面或侧面--以便形成对比。有的方体上种着美丽的植物,比如时令鲜花---金盏花,薰衣草等等,有的甚至种上了小乔木---橄榄树。这 些生机勃勃,动感四射,节奏明快,彩虹般绚丽的小方体散发出让人愉快的氛围,吸引着周围的居民。设计师希望这个作品可以带来快乐和笑 声。
Sugamo Shinkin Bank is a credit union that strives to provide first-rate hospitality to its customers in accordance with its motto: “we take pleasure in serving happy customers”. Nakaaoki branch is the forth branch where Emmanuelle has been commissioned to handle the architectural and interior design. The common request for all branches is to create a bank where people wish to stay longer and naturally feel to come back again. Nakaaoki branch is located on the corner of major intersection, where there is a frequent movement of cars, busses, bicycles, and people. Taking this unique location as a characteristic, the façade is designed to be rhythmical that changes expression as people see from different angles.
Colors appear in and out from the rhythmical repetition of cubes, dancing like musical notes playing rainbow melody. The façade is composed of cubes of four different depths. Colors are applied on the front or side of these cubes, so that the colors appear, disappear or overlap as the direction of view changes. Small elevated gardens are built inside 12 cubes, where the seasonal changes in nature are expressed by seasonal flowers like marigold, lavender, and growing trees such as olive tree. Gardens can be seen from the open space on the first floor, and from the financing section and cafeteria on the second floor. Sunlight is filtered through the foliage of elevated gardens on the South facing façade, providing a harmonious and warm atmosphere inside the bank. The interior finishes are settled and muted compare to the rhythmical movement of the façade.
The colors, flowers and trees appear in and out from the repetition of floating cubes, playing rainbow melody. The melody spreads happiness and comfort to visitors and to the people in the local community.
The site characteristics and Emmanuelle’s interpretation have fused together to produce Nakaaoki branch. She wishes that the new bank will bring happiness and laughter to many people, just like the other four branches she has designed.
Located on the corner of major intersection,
façade is viewed from various angles.
As you walk pass the bank,
different colors appear in and out, or overlap,
creating a rhythmical movement that continuously changes the scene of the place. 12 small elevated gardens are scattered among the colors,
adding seasonal quality to the façade.
Visitors can enjoy the whole scenery from the outside,
and from inside are the small gardens extending out from the room. Rainbow melody,
our mind settles naturally,
as we listen to the rhythm of colors.
Sugamo Shinkin Bank
Concept : rainbow melody
Designer information
emmanuelle moureaux (emmanuelle moureaux architecture + design) Credits
Architect /designer : emmanuelle moureaux (emmanuelle moureaux architecture + design)
Photograph : Daisuke Shima / Nacasa & Partners Project Outline
Location: 1-1-1 Kamiaoki Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama 333-0844 JAPAN
Use: Bank Office
Structure: Steel Structure
Site Area: 560.86 m2
Floor Area: 588.07 m2 (1F/264.976 m2 2F/296.808 m2 RF/26.286 m2)
Open: June 02, 2014 Material Information
Exterior Finish: aluminum plate fluoro-resin paint finish (cube), extrusion cement board fluoro-resin paint finish
External floor : wooden decking
Floor : carpet, vinyl flooring
Wall : PVC Film
Ceiling : AEP paint
Lighting : base down lights, base lights, Bracket (all LED) Contractors Information
General Contractor : Shiraishi Construction Corporation
Colored aluminum cubes: Kikukawa Kogyo Co., Ltd.
MORE: emmanuelle moureaux architecture + design