面积达到180平米的Karakoy阁楼能瞭望城市古老的Getronagan教堂和Galata塔。而同这所房屋的位置同样重要的,还有业主的个性和生活方式, 一道成为设计师进行设计的主要参数。
伊斯但布尔商业中心出现了越来越多的艺术画廊,精品店,餐厅,酒店。位于这样的环境之中,设计师希望房屋在贴合业主个性的同时具有自 然,中性,舒适,实用等特征。
设计师将客厅的小窗户扩展成为宽广的横向长窗,又在屋顶增设大矩形天窗,让客户身处夹层也能看到外面的风景。因为客户是单身,因此整 个空间被设计师考虑为一个统一的整体,没有分割出很多小房间。在一面墙上,设计师设计了一个巨大无比,沿墙而设的大开放式储物柜,这 面柜子高达两层,占满整个空间的一侧,与而客厅,厨房,书房,卧室练成一气。柜子可以看成是直径12mm和16mm的铁棍组合成为60厘米 见方的搁架单元的组合,客户可以根据自己的需求增加个班或者悬挂架,对柜子进行利用。客户非常喜欢这个随空间而变换角色的整体大柜。
form the architect : Is a 180m2 penthouse belonging to a 45 year old bachelor, in the heart of Istanbul, facing an old Armenian church Getronagan, and Galata Tower on the background.
The location of the house as well as the personality, way of living and needs of the client were the main parameters in the design of this project. Karakoy had always been the heart of the commerce in Istanbul. Nowadays the old neighborhood is getting more hip and active with many new art galleries, boutiques, restaurants and hotels all around. The house is situated right in the middle of this hustle and bustle. Meanwhile the client’s outdoor personality was of course our main drive when choosing materials and creating space. Natural, neutral, comfortable, practical are the keywords to describe.
The structural approach of the house was to open up to get more light and view. The previous small window openings on the front façade were enlarged and the new folding window frames slide the width of the building to transform the livingroom into a balcony, since the apartment is missing one. And a large rectangular skylight was inserted just below the peak of the pitch to provide light and view to the mezzanine.
The design approach of the house however was ‘not to have too many ideas’. We evaluated the entire house as a whole and single space since its layout was to be designed for a single person’s use, and all the spaces wasplanned to be entwined together. There was no need for dividing the space into many small rooms. Therefore, we didn’t need different design ideas for different rooms. We came up with a few design approaches and used it all around the house;
一层主要是客厅和开放式厨房与餐厅,厨房的操作台与餐厅桌面是一体浇筑的混凝土台面。餐桌尽端的壁炉也为客厅提供能量。除此之外一楼 还有一个卫生间和一间客房。通往二层阁楼的楼梯造型简约,每两个梯段之间没有联系,采用了黑色的钢材,看上去悬,实际上很牢固。
沿着坡屋顶自然延伸下来的那一面墙铺着与天花一样的横向木材。底层客厅沙发背景墙为黑色石材,地面为方形斜铺大块石材。阁楼的内饰表 层主要为水泥,连续光滑的表面上升形成为床和浴缸的基座,创造了一个裸脚行走体验感良好的整体场所。浴室的饰面为浅色大理石。
- One of the longitudinal walls was resolved as storage. A very simple system was designed with iron rods climbing two floors and running the length of the house, without categorizing as living room, kitchen, library or bedroom.12mm iron rods coming out of the wall and 16mm rods connected to them creating a 60x60cm grid over the wall surface. Various shelving units and accessories were designed to fit this system, such as a single shelf, double or triple story shelves, vertical separators or hanging units. The user may arrange and utilize this storing system however he likes; as a library, a woodshed, kitchen storage, or a wardrobe.
- The other longitudinal wall facing this busy storage system was designed with least movement as possible to create a serene side and was covered with natural stone in varied sizes.This wall starts in the living room and continues all the way up and through the bedroom.
- Downstairs floor was covered with 60x60cm natural stone in an irregular angle obtaining the casualness. It only replaced itself to wood in the guest bedroom, which is facing north.
- All through out the mezzanine, the surfaces were covered with a cement-based material, uninterrupted, for a pleasant feeling for the naked feet. This surface created the floor all around, including the shower and also the block,which nestles the bed and the bathtub.
- Apart from practicality, the warmness that the house needed was achieved with a continuous ceiling of iroko wood, that rise from the wall to the ceiling, creating also a wide seating unit in front of the window for crowded gatherings.
- Finally, the cast-concrete block surface which was created to form the kitchen counter framed in an iron structure, steps down and forms itself into a cantilevering dining table and ends up as a short plinth as the hearth, which also allows extra seating around the table.