珠海世界级十字门中央商务区正式开幕 整项发展项目落成后能提供合共64万平方米的空间。一期发展总面积为36.2万平方米,包括会议、剧院、音乐厅、展览及宴会设施,配备零售、 餐饮、服务式公寓,拥有548间客房的喜来登酒店,以及一栋320米高提供甲级办公空间和250间客房的瑞吉酒店的超高塔楼。
form the architect: China Celebrated the Opening of Its World Class Central Business District in Shizimen, Zhuhai The overall development comprises 640,000 sqm of accommodation. The first phases incorporate 362,000 sqm of convention, theatre, music hall, exhibition, and banquet facilities. These public and civic functions are supported with retail, F+B, serviced apartments, a 548 key Sheraton Hotel, and a 320m high tower which accommodates grade A office spaces together with a 250 key St Regis Hotel.
作为该会展商务组团的主创设计师,Gordon 荣幸地获邀成为开幕典礼主讲嘉宾,带来”如何适当利用会议展览设施来对推动区域经济发展”的 重要讯息。他解译会展中心能够促进商贸交流及起催化作用,不仅对周边区域在国际上亦提供一个良好平台展示贸易和投资者及进行商业活动。
演讲内容撮要如下: 商业可持续是至关重要的。能够具备地理位置、灵活性以及更重要的多样性等这些互动元素,已基本达到商业成功。
地理位置 珠海位置得天独厚,与广东、香港及澳门连线成为珠江三角洲重要成市之一。 珠海它拥有丰富的天然环境和闻名的天然雕塑礁岩的海岸线特征,因此享有中国 “花园城市、的美誉。 该320米超高塔楼势将成为视觉航标,与对岸澳门旅游塔和将于横琴区建成的超高层建筑相呼应。 设计灵感源于珠海优美而富层次感的海岸线,利用建筑设计充分反映出当地强烈的景观个性,并以此为主要设计元素,仿效珠海的海岸线,让 项目轻松自在地与天然滨海环境融为一体。
灵活性 为迎合不同客户群的需要,设施拥有为不同种类活动作相应分隔或为综合活动作跨组别区分的能力是相当重要,而要达到这方面要求是需要极 高的规划灵活性;同时在得到室外商业零售及餐饮等硬体配套下,使之成为外刚内柔的完美建筑体。 该有极度灵活性的设施能够提供多元化功能,包括剧院、音乐厅、可容纳2,000人的大型会议及展览厅,还有容纳高达4,000人的大型宴会厅。
多样性 融合性综合发展 一个成功的商业发展项目需要具备综合发展的融合性,可支持及活化整个区域,避免因为依赖单一活动来支持使用率而进入了无生气的休静期。 所以设计为一期会展商务组团注入了其他不同功能配套如办公、酒店、服务式公寓以及零售等,旨在打造成为一个城市滨海景点。
结合公建公共服务设施 公建应该不止是一个举办活动的设施,应该同时兼顾公共服务,结合两者是相当重要。事实上这理念从设计竞赛开始一直坚持到现在,目的是 要创造一个真正公建公共服务设施。正因为这个理念带来了城市绸带的设计构思,创造一个连接区内及滨海广场,集餐饮零售及绿化空间于一 身的动力广场。
城市绸带 为了体现结合公建公共服务设施的概念,一条城市绸带的构想出现在十字门中央商务区内,把功能区和特定空间和谐地分隔并串连一起。 绸带,是整个项目的神髓:功能上提供各式零售餐饮服务,不单连接商务区及通往海滨的主要道路南湾道,也仿如屏幕般将公共及不同空间框 分,使无论身处室内或室外都能透过其形态创造出的视线走廊,遥望澳门。
特色之门 绸带,环抱着商务区内歌剧院和会议中心等重要功能设施,为区内带来各俱特色的进出口。例如被绸带环抱的南湾大道,白天是会议中心的主 入口,在晚上则化身成为一道充满动感的拱门;它也能为架空广场的音乐厅和剧院框画出一道可眺望澳门的进出口。
温馨花园 绸带,带来了一系列休闲花园空间,它不单是穿梭各分区的主要通道,也为下沉的上下客区提供充足的自然光。利用结合硬景观和栽种来反映 珠海天然雕塑礁岩的海岸线特征。
首屈一指的平台 十字门中央商务区带来了一系列有別於全球會展中常見的设施。多元化设施结合了高品质、高灵活性的展览及会议空间,还有专业场所包括剧 院和音乐厅等。凭借项目独有的海滨环境和酒店及商业等配套,为商界及访客提供一个首屈一指、高水准的理想平台。
As the chief designer of the development, Gordon was invited as the key note speaker at the formal opening ceremony. The core message described “how convention and exhibition facilities if properly considered can play a vital role in the economic development of a region.” He explained that convention and exhibition centres facilitate communication and act as catalysts for trade and commerce regionally and globally. A summary of the keynote speech below: Commercial sustainability is critical. There are several interactive ingredients leading to primary commercial successes: Location, Flexibility, and Diversity.
LOCATION Zhuhai is unique in its location geopolitically as a link between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. Zhuhai is also a place of great natural beauty. It is regarded as China’s “Garden City” due to its rich and natural environment and its famous coastline characterised by its unique sculpted rock forms. The 320m tower acts as a visual beacon addressing the Macau Tower and the future super high-rise of the Hengqin region on the opposite shores. In terms of forms, the design of the building reflects a strong tie of the characters of the region’s landscape. The architectural elements, emulating the sculpted shorelines of Zhuhai, sit at ease with the waterfront setting.
In order to cater for a wide audience, it is critical that the convention and exhibition facility can hold a multitude of diverse events with the ability to segregate or inter-mix delegates. This requires a high degree of flexibility in planning. So while the external public amenity functions of retail, F+B and office are sculpted in form, the internal planning requires to be rational and flexible. The facility holds a multitude of functions including a theatre, a music auditorium, large scale convention and exhibition halls accommodating up to 2,000 people and large scale banquet rooms hosting up to 4,000 people.
DIVERSITY An associated mixed use development A commercially successful development also demands a complimentary mix of uses to make it work as a standalone destination, with continual occupation beyond the requirements of the limited convention and exhibition centre operations. Therefore other functions such as office, hospitality, serviced apartments, and retail have been designed in the first phase, creating a waterfront urban destination. Combining public and civic functions The civic importance of the facility should not preclude it from being enjoyed by the general public. It was a driving factor in the original design competition concept that the facility should act as a truly public amenity as well as a civic one. This principle has been adhered to throughout the whole design process with the creation of an activated plaza linking the District Road to a waterfront plaza. This plaza is activated continually by retail, F+B, and garden spaces. An urban ribbon The idea of combining public and civic functions brought about the idea of an urban ribbon, linking and defining functions and spaces in the Shizimen CBD. The ribbon houses purely public functions such as F+B and retail and also physically connects the main road (Nanwan Road) to the waterfront. The ribbon acts as a screen and separator between public and semi-public functions while at the same time framing vistas both internally and externally such as the view towards Macau. Special entrances It also wraps around special civic functions such as the theatre and convention, and lifts and opens to create a number of different special entry points to varying zones. For instance the ribbon, wrapping on NanwanRoad, forms a formal entrance by day and a vibrant arch by night while framing the entry to the music hall and theatre on the elevated plaza with its views to Macau. Intimate gardens The ribbon also helps to define a series of more intimate garden spaces which are key circulation areas between zones while providing sunken daylight wells to the carpark drop off areas. The combination of hardscape and planting reflect sculptural forms of the Zhuhai coastline.
A COMPELLING PLATFORM The Shizimen CBD does provide a wide range of facilities that are rare to find in even the largest of convention facilities. It combines high quality, flexible exhibition, and convention space with several specialist spaces including a theatre and music auditoriums. With its distinctive coastal setting and a wide range of hospitality and commercial functions provided on site, the Shizimen CBD offers a compelling platform for businesses and communication.
位置:中国珠海 业主:
珠海十字门中央商务区建设控股有限公司 整体发展进程:
总占地面积 : 269,600 平方米
总建筑面积 : 640,000 平方米
标志性塔楼高度 : 320 米 一期发展进程:
一期总建筑面积 : 362,000 平方米
会展设施 : 95,800 平方米
酒店及服务式公寓 : 156,000 平方米
瑞吉酒店 : 250 房间
喜来登酒店 : 548 房间
服务式公寓 : 450 单位
办公 : 86,500 平方米
零售及餐饮 : 23,600平方米 建筑设计团队:
Gordon Affleck – 主创建筑设计师
Miriam Auyeung –项目总监
Vincent Fung –高级主任建筑师
JamieWebb –主任建筑设计师
Colin Ashton – 建筑设计师
Jason Easter – 建筑设计师
Gordon Affleck 主创建筑设计师
( 10 DESIGN 设计合伙人 )
ALT 幕墙顾问
BuregaFarnell 景观设计师
CJAI Hong Kong 礼堂/歌剧院顾问
Guangzhou Design Institute 设计院
Guangzhou RBS 结构工程师
HBA 喜来登酒店室内设计师
IBR 可持续发展顾问
LDP 灯光设计
MVA 交通顾问
NBBJ 展会建筑室内设计师
Wilson Associates 瑞吉酒店室内设计师 摄影:
Location: Zhuhai, China
Client: State-owned Enterprise Huafa Group and its wholly-owned subsidiary Zhuhai Shizimen Central Business District Development Holdings
Overall Development Programme
Total Site: 269,600 sqm
Total GFA: 640,000 sqm
Iconic Tower Height: 320 m
Phase 1 Development Programme
Phase 1 Total GFA: 362,000 sqm Convention & Exhibition Facilities: 95,800 sqm Hotels & Serviced Apartment: 156,000 sqm
St. Regis Hotel: 250 rooms
Sheraton Hotel: 548 rooms
Serviced Apartment: 450 units Office: 86,500 sqm Retail and F&B: 23,600 sqm Architectural Design Team
Gordon Affleck - Chief Design Architect
Miriam Auyeung - Project Director
Vincent Fung - Senior Associate
Jamie Webb - Associate Designer
Colin Ashton - Architectural Designer
Jason Easter - Architectural Designer
Consultant Team
Gordon Affleck Chief Design Architect
(Design Partner at 10 DESIGN)
ALT Curtain Wall Consultant
BuregaFarnell Landscape Designer
CJAI Hong Kong Auditorium/Opera House Consultant
Guangzhou Design Institute
Local Design Institute
Guangzhou RBS Structural Engineer
HBA SheratonHotel
Interior Designer
IBR Sustainability Consultant
LDP Lighting Designer
MVA Traffic Consultant
NBBJ Exhibition Interior Designer
Wilson Associates St Regis Hotel Interior Designer
Photography by KerunIp