V2s Architectes分享了他们在法国的最新项目,一个融合了矿产遗址展览中心和咖啡馆的山体建筑。项目所在的村庄位于法国巴斯克地区的阿尔迪代谷,这里被一条从圣艾蒂安•拜戈里通向西班牙边境的路横穿而过,因此业主希望在这里建造一座讲述矿山历史的文化展示中心,吸引途径此地的游客停留。该文化中心还包括一间咖啡店。自从几年前村庄里的最后一个酒吧关闭以后,这间建在小镇主广场的咖啡馆就成了村里333位居民的长期盼望。
form the architect: V2S architectes - MINING AND METALLURGY HERITAGE CENTRE & CAFÉ IN BANCA (FRANCE) The village of Banca is in the Basque Country, (Pyrenees-Atlantiques, 64) in the Aldudes valley. Banca This village has a strong identity and is cros¬sed by the local road leading from Saint Etienne de Baigorri to the Spanish border. Building a
heritage centre in the village gives Banca an opportunity to attract visitors by highlighting the history of the local mines. This cultural project
also includes building a cafe as local entertainment, long awaited by the 333 inhabitants as the last bar in the village closed a few years ago. It
will be built in the town's main square.
How can we come up with a modern project in a small Basque village with very strong architectural identity? By reinterpreting the landscape. Banca has been built into the mountainside using a series of terraces, cutting into the Pyrenean landscape. The stone retaining walls are an
integral part of the village's image. The project springs from this process of adapting to the land: a stone pedestal containing the set design space on which the reception and the
cafe stand. The cafe windows look out over the lands¬cape, making it a beacon for locals and visi¬tors.
The site's main constraint is the downslope of the land. The village of Banca dings to the mountainside and the plot drops down three metres
along its length. Our choice therefore involves total use of the landscape and the shape of the em¬bankment, along a large existing retaining wall. The other constraint is the architectural image of the village of Banca, marked by a deeply-rooted Basque regional identity. This project needs
to be able to combine local know-how and a modern style for eve¬ryone to accept it. The aim was to make the most of the spe¬cification and these constraints. The 3 metre height difference between the highest and lowest point calls to mind an entire storey slotted into the land, with a low entrance
(technical entrance for the museum) and a high entrance (public en¬trance for the cafe).
This would fit the specification that includes a museum on the local mines (therefore not needing a lot of light) and a cafe that actually needs to
be seen, facing outwards. The idea is that this stone pedestal should become an actual extension of the public space, sequenced by the
protected high plot, the reception and the balcony view¬point over the landscape. Most of the materials inside are left rough. It is the fitting quality that highlights the finishes. The «technical» premises (toilets, lift, kit¬chen) are packed on to the embankment side and entirely fitted out in wood, to opti¬mise free space
on the landscape side for the cafe and the information area. It main¬tains the same spirit, offering an intimate connection with the material:
the exhibition content was printed directly on to the woo¬den panels. Information hierarchies were created thanks to the texture of the material on which the information is printed (wood, Plexiglas, adhesive).