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[size=14.44444465637207px]INT2architecture 工作室作品
俄罗斯两位建筑师Alexander Malinin和Anastasia Sheveleva共同成立了一个意涵INTuition(直觉) + INTellect(理智)的工作室:
INT2architecture。因为他们相信设计的答案介于理性和非理性之间。 他们给gooood分享的这个14平米大的室内设计项目是一位居住在莫斯科的14岁女孩卧室。设计师希望为这个小女孩创造出舒适和时尚的环境。 最初这个小女孩的卧室有许多独立的物件,比如装满衣服的衣柜,书柜,单人床还有书桌。这些独立的物件让房间没有整体感。为此,设计
title Interior DG
year 2014
work started in March 2014
work finished in May 2014
total area (.0m²) 14
status project
type Room
location Moscow, Russia About INT2architecture
INT2architecture - young active multi-diciplinary team of architects, designers, artists and photographers and based in Moscow and Saint
-Petersburg, Russia. Founded by Alexander Malinin & Anastasia Sheveleva.
The name of the studio is a merger of two words: INTuition + INTellect because we believe that answers to many questions lay in between
rational and irrational cognition.
The main line of work - private housing design, interior design of private and public spaces, landscape and industrial design, urbanism.