Tsubomi House是一栋非常小的住宅。在一层,包含饼干店在内的面积也不过26平米。建筑师将整个建筑分成了经由一个金属楼梯连接的7个
错层。1层是店铺,1.5层是厨房和餐厅,2层是起居室,顶层是家人的睡眠区,而从一层往下走,依次是地下室,浴室,储藏间三个层次。 看起来每一个错层的面积都非常小,但正因为小所以每个功能区都只放必要的家具,为此空间反而宽敞,虽然整个住宅的功能分布在7个层次
上,但是因为彼此的开放和连同,如同是一个大空间中的多个小空间。 内部的主材是落叶松胶合板,外表皮采用了镀锌钢板,内外材质的分别统一使得空间体验更加纯粹。 现在人们的沟通倾向于通过看电视或者看智能手机,即便整个住宅空间是开放的,但是每个人有了自己的私人媒体,所以也不会觉得不便。 这些小小的没有被围墙分开的空间能让业主方便的移动,而在每个空间中的行为又常常是单一的,因此具备效率。比如说,主妇在一层饼干
form the architect: This house is very tiny. Footprint of this house, including the biscuit shop that is part of the house, is only 26m2. The entire house is divided into seven split levels
without partitions and all levels are connected by a staircase situated in the middle of the house. From the shop on the ground floor, this
metal staircase connects the kitchen and the dining on 1.5 level, then the living space on 2 level, and finally the sleeping area on the top floor
that is shared by all family members. A second set of concrete steps continue from the ground floor to the basement, housing the shop and
its bathroom. Every split level is small ? there is barely enough space to place essential furniture. But each space feels sufficient and roomy. This is because
all spaces are divided and isolated by different levels but connect one space from another. This gives a feel that each resident lives in multiple
small spaces yet one large space simultaneously.
Almost all interior surfaces are made of larch plywood. Each panel is cut into parallelogram and laid out in herringbone pattern. This pattern
is repeated on the ivory facade made of galvanized steel sheets and consistently applied to the exterior as well as the interior, evoking more
three-dimensional experience. Today, people communicate, get information and watch television by mobile phone or smart phone in a public space, like inside train. Each
family member already has his/her private media even without his/her own private room. So, no one feels the inconvenience. With every space being so small and further without walls, can be advantageous - residents can move quickly from one space to another. This
constant movement can be compared to mutters of Twitter where short messages are sent out through the internet. Each space is very small
but every action in these small spaces is unique. And the various actions connect one another. Sometimes, the wife stands talking with a
customer in the biscuit shop on the first level, then drinks a cup of tea at the dining space on the 1.5 level, then moves up to the second level
and watch TV, all in a very small time frame. We hope the house resembles a closed flower bud squeezed into a metropolis.
location : Tokyo, Japan
term of project : 2008 - 2010
structure : wooden structure, reinforced concrete; 2 stories and 1 basement
site area : 46.76 sqm
building area26.20 sqm
total floor area 77.44 sqm
photographer : Takumi Ota