墨西哥的CC Arquitectos给马蹄分享了他们如梦如幻的住宅作品:El Mirador。
El Mirador地处Valle de Bravo外缘,在高地上眺望着远处美丽的湖泊,周围森林的庇护让自然的灵气渗透其间。建筑师采用了开放的灵活布
局,让建筑适应地形,降低对林木的破坏,同时反映出业主的情趣与审美,并让植物与景观完成对这个质朴设计的最终升华。 form the architect: El Mirador serves its purpose by being located on one of the land’s edges, where the emblematic lake of the area can be particularly
appreciated. Its projection was based on respecting the forest where the pavilion was placed to the maximum, gripping to its topography
and reducing its constructive impact. The materials used are from the region, also, railroad ties from old train tracks where recycled for the
exterior of the pavilion. The structure is a combination of steel and wooden beams, and the retaining walls are made out of stones from the area. 建筑所用的木材与石材均来自当地。客厅直接朝外部开放,与露台连成一体。卧室配有独立的卫浴间。厨房采用岛式工作台,其由石材打造,
与水池。 这个质朴的建筑适应了气候,回归了风景,承住了岁月,是心之向往的世外桃源。
The architectural program is distributed with a family room that connects to the exterior, allowing the expansion of the social area to the main
terrace. It has one bedroom with its own private bathroom. The kitchen has a large island in the middle with a countertop made of slate that
allows it to also have the use of a dining table and a workspace. The relaxed architectural program and its flexibility in its spaces, reinforces
the owner’s strong personality and intense social life. The main access collides with a large body of water that is parallel to a drinking space for
horses, while a low wall made of wooden railroad ties discretely hides the area so cars may be parked and appear to be isolated from the
construction. El Mirador is half buried on one of its sides with the purpose of protecting the habitation spaces from the climate where nature, views, and
rustic finishes are the main components, seeking as a goal that these characteristics will last through time. Architectural design: CC ARQUITECTOS / MANUEL CERVANTES CESPEDES.
Manuel Cervantes Céspedes, José Luis Heredia Álvarez
Collaborators: Israel Caballero Campos, Deyanira Yarza Barron, Maria Luisa Leal Rosales
Year: 2013
Interior design: Habitación 116
Landscape design: Entorno, Taller de paisaje
Sq. M: 459 m2 (4,941 Sq. Ft)
Client: Private
Location: Estado de Mexico
Photographer: Rafael Gamo