该项目地处内蒙古呼和浩特城东,如意开发区内,为区、市两级政府机关及新兴高档社区所包围,是自治区政府的后花园,是城市中心区的“中心”。 This project is located in the Eastern suburbs of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, within the Ruyi development zone, an area housing district and municipal levels of government and emerging upscale communities: the regional government's back garden, and the heart of the new city center. 此样别墅板房设计从简单到繁杂、从整体到局部,精雕细琢,给人一丝不苟的印象。一方面保留了材质、色彩的大致风格,仍然可以很强烈地感受传统的历史痕迹与浑厚的文化底蕴,同时又摒弃了过于复杂的肌理和装饰,简化线条,增强空间的灵动性。 The design, from overall approach to intricate details, is crafted so as to give the impression of a thoroughly meticulous approach. Taking material elements and colours from traditional styles, the scheme retains a strong sense of history, tradition and cultural heritage. However, overly complex textures and decoration are abandoned in favour of simpler lines, enhanced spatial arrangement and rigour. 再结合当地的人文、风情,加以运用,无论是家具还是配饰均以其优雅、 唯美的姿态,平和而富有内涵的气韵,描绘出居室典雅柔和的生活气息。 The choice of both furniture or accessories is elegant, beautifully poised, calm and full of artistic meaning engendering a soft and elegant living room atmosphere. 注重装饰效果,采用有关”骑士”主题的陈设品,来做室内陈设,增强文化风情特色,用少量鲜亮色彩作为点缀,烘托室内环境氛围。 Use of an equestrian theme in furnishings achieves a subtly cultured style and additional splashes of bright colour contrast with the overall subdued tones of the interior. 在注重装饰效果的同时,用现代的手法和材质还原古典气质;窗帘面料采用垂感较好的丝绒面料为主,搭配真丝质感纱帘,再以流苏花边点缀,充分表现浪漫感。 Careful attention is paid to decorative effect: modern techniques and materials are used while maintaining a classical temperament; curtains made with good drape velvet, silk gauze, and fringed with lace embellishments fully demonstrate a romantic sensibility. |