本帖最后由 vooping 于 2018-3-16 22:23 编辑
做一次的空间演绎。 Shanghai design studio MINAX have recently completed a tea room for the 2014 China International Aquilaria Culture Exposition & Living Space Exhibition. The Lotus & Bamboo tearoom is composed of 500 6cm-diameter bamboo pieces, which each has different heights. The order of height follows the shape of an ellipsoid space inside a cube. Spot lamps fill the cut of bamboos, so when you enter the space, you will find the substantial portion of the cubes dissolved, thus remaining the empty ellipsoids emerging around you. A lotus theme furnishes the space. In the middle of the space, there is a long tea table called Qushui (meaning winding creek in Chinese). Wooden lotus blooms layer the top of the table, with water flowing through intricately carved canals, thus making the table come alive. The combination of Bamboo, wood, light and tea forms a multi-dimensional sense of the space.