其规划方案获得高度评价(美国能源秘书长,纽约市长,纽约州长,某参议员以及洛克菲勒基金会代表都是评审委员会成员)。位 于纽约曼哈顿的这个大U被认为是一个具有变革性的弹性蓝图,能够有效的维护社区和经济,并对社区民生实现响应式关注和互动,
中将终止耐盐植物,灌木,多年生植物,创造出一个具有包容力的城市多元栖息地。 一个共享的大U,一个开放的大U。 The BIG Team is awarded $335 million to increase resiliency in Lower Manhattan, protecting the city against future storm surges
while providing social and environmental benefits to the local community.
The Secretary of U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development, Shaun Donovan, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor
Andrew Cuomo, Senator Charles Schumer, and Zia Khan of the Rockefeller Foundation yesterday announced Big U, co-developed
by BIG and Dutch One Architecture, as one of six winning solutions to protect U.S. cities from increasingly intense weather events. Founded in 2013 as a response to Hurricane Sandy’s devastations, Rebuild by Design called for an innovative community- and
policy-based solution to promote resilience in the Sandy-affected region. Big U is selected as one of the winners of the year-long
competition among ten multidisciplinary design teams and a total of 148 international applicants.
“The winning proposals are truly transformative and serve as blueprints for how we can safeguard the region and make it more
environmentally and economically resilient,” said Secretary Shaun Donovan. “It’s my hope that Rebuild by Design will inspire other
public-private partnerships to spur innovation and resilience in other parts of the country and around the world. By investing in
these proposals, we are going to ensure that when the next storm comes, the region will be safer and better prepared.”
Coined the ‘Big U’, the systematic approach encircles Manhattan responding directly to the needs and concerns of the area’s
communities. Running from West 57th Street south to The Battery and up to East 42nd Street, the Big U protects 10 continuous
miles of low-lying geography that comprise an incredibly dense, vibrant, and vulnerable urban area. The team’s approach is rooted
in the two concepts of social infrastructure and hedonistic sustainability. The Big U not only shields the city against floods and
storm water; it provides social and environmental benefits to the community, and fosters an improved public realm. The team
envisions three compartments that function independently to provide flood protection. Each compartment comprises a physically
discrete flood-protection zone that can be isolated from flooding in adjacent zones. At the same time, each presents opportunities
for integrated social and community planning. The compartments work in unison to protect and enhance the city, yet each
compartment’s proposal is designed to stand on its own. “The Big U is an example of what we call Social Infrastructure. The High Line shows how a decommissioned piece of infrastructure
– the abandoned elevated railway – can be transformed into a public space and green landscape. We asked ourselves: What if we
could envision the resilience infrastructure for Lower Manhattan in a way that wouldn’t be like a wall between the city and the water,
but rather a string of pearls of social and environmental amenities tailored to their specific neighborhoods, which also happens to
shield their hinterlands from flooding. The Big U will not only make the waterfront more resilient but also more accessible and
inviting to the citizens around it.” Bjarke Ingels, Founding Partner, BIG.
Proposed solutions for the components were designed in close consultation with the associated communities and a number of
local, municipal, State and Federal stakeholders; each proposal has a benefit-cost ratio greater than one; and each is flexible,
easily phased, and able to integrate with existing projects in progress.
Matthijs Bouw, founder of co-lead One Architecture comments: “The Big U really shows the power of design in building coalitions. In an intensive process with the community, the city and the housing authority we discovered how a well-designed flood protection
system can have multiple benefits: housing preservation, improved urban spaces, and jobs. Sometimes people say about climate
change that it is really a problem that is shared by everyone. In The Big U, we think that the benefits of investment in protection
against it should also be shared.” CDBG-DR funds will be used to implement the first phase of the proposal along the Lower East Side, creating a ‘bridging berm’ at
the East River Park. The bridging berm provides robust vertical protection for the Lower East Side from future storm surge and
rising sea levels. The berm also offers pleasant, accessible routes into the park, with many unprogrammed spots for resting,
socializing, and enjoying views of the park and river. Both the berms and bridges will be wide and planted with a diverse selection
of salt tolerant trees, shrubs, and perennials to create a resilient urban habitat.
理防护的办法保护区域免遭洪水破坏。这些区域可以单独建设,最后完成闭合。 The Big U is a protective system that encircles Manhattan, responding to the needs and concerns of the island’s diverse communities.Stretching from West 57th Street south to The Battery and up to East 42nd Street, the Big U protects 10 continuous miles of lowlying
geography that comprise an incredibly dense, vibrant, and vulnerable urban area.The proposed system not only shields the city against floods and stormwater; it provides social and environmental benefits to the
community, and fosters an improved public realm. For Phase 3 of Rebuild by Design, the Big U team created coordinated plans for
three contiguous but separate regions of the waterfront dubbed “compartments.” Each compartment comprises a physically discrete
flood-protection zone that can be isolated from flooding in adjacent zones. Each presents unique opportunities for integrated social
and community planning. The compartments work in concert to protect and enhance the city, but each compartment’s proposal is
designed to stand on its own. Proposed solutions for the components were designed in close consultation with the associated
communities and many local, municipal, State and Federal stakeholders; each proposal has a benefit-cost ratio greater than one;
and each is flexible, easily phased, and able to integrate with existing projects in progress. PROJECT DATA
Code: HUD
Date: 21/03/2014
Program: Urbanism
Status: In Progress
Size in m2: 1000000
Project type: Federal competition
Client: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Collaborators: ONE Architecture, Starr Whitehouse, James Lima Planning + Development, Level Infrastructure, Buro Hap pold,
Arcadis, Green Shield Ecology, AEA Consulting, Project Projects, School of Constructed Environments at Parsons The New Schoolfor Design
Location Text: Lower Manhattan
Location: (40.7025,-74.0164)
Partner in Charge: Bjarke Ingels, Kai-Uwe Bergmann, Thomas Christofferson
Project Leader: Jeremy Alain Siegel, Daniel Kidd
Team: Kurt Nieminen, Sun Yifu, David Dottelonde, Dammy Lee, Jack Lipson, David Spittler, Kenneth Amoah, Choonghyo Lee,
Wesley Chiang, Taylor Hewett, Patricia Correa Velasquez                              