日本设计师Yusuke Seki设计了一间清新自然,令人放松,并在设计哲学上优雅契合美甲店各方面主题的美甲沙龙。
↑ “Kolmio”在日语中指一种复杂的三角形状装饰物。设计师在商店的动线上安排了一个三角形标志性的墙洞以契合主题。
“Kolmio+LIM ”美甲沙龙位于日本大阪,是一个新兴蓬勃发展的美甲店。店名中的“Kolmio”在日语中指的是一种复杂的三角形状装饰物,
The Nail Salon is designed with iconic triangle division as it reflected the meaning of "Kolmio".
“Kolmio+LIM” is a nail salon located in Osaka, the western capital of Japan, which is where our client LIM started her first hair salon.
They have since expanded their beauty business. “Kolmio” is taken from the name (kolmio+LIM) the Nail Salon means triangle in Finish.
The store layout of basic wood and white has been designed to reflect the essential color of natural skin tones, and the space itself is
intended to symbolize the process of nail coloring. The zigzag wall and natural lighting refraction make references to the twinkle glitter
reflection of nail polish, and the color themes of the design represent the various layers of nail polish applied one after another.
↑ 这面有三角形墙洞的锯齿墙分开指甲美化区域和眼睫毛美化区域。
设计师Yusuke Seki在店面中各处使用到的各种白色色调皆是基于人类指甲色彩进行设计,就像人人都不尽相同,每个人的肤色质地都有所
Yusuke based the design, of various tones of white, upon basic natural human nail colors. He tried to express the Japanese proverb
“Diverse men, diverse minds”, which directly translates as ‘ten people have ten different colour’; as every person has their own skin
color as a base for coloring, to bring a new personality by adding layer upon layer of beauty work requires precision by the nailist. The
colored walls take their inspiration from the neighborhood buildings just outside the window, as a way of incorporating the surrounding
aesthetics, as part of an overall interior design theme. “Kolmio” is originally an intricate triangle decoration. This stores’ dynamic shapes
are inspired by kolnio and possess an iconic value, as well as providing a functional division through the centre of the space. All of the
design methods are inspired by there environment, and the actions all happened surroundings.
↑ 指甲美化区域,操作台可以自由放置。
↑ 锯齿墙以及上面的光影代表了光亮闪烁指甲油的反光。
↑ 人们需要迈过锯齿墙进入到眼睫毛美化区域
↑ 从美甲区域越过墙洞看粉色墙面的照镜区。
↑ 照镜区。镜子和搁架都采用最简约的产品。
↑ 锯齿墙细部
↑ 从入口处看空间
↑ 入口玄关
↑ 库房的墙面与天花断开,内部的色彩经过反射溢出
↑ 原木地板与白色锯齿墙细部