本帖最后由 yunren 于 2014-4-2 09:18 编辑
西南交通大学建筑系老师邓敬老师与殷红老师在雅安幼儿园施工现场对坂茂先生进行了一个快速小访谈,十分感谢这两位无私的老师。 坂茂早在1994年就开始参与灾后重建,2008年的“5.12”地震后,坂茂在成都市为华林小学设计了一所“纸”学校,该学校的主要结构都由低成本并且安全的特殊纸管搭建,在志愿者的帮助下,一个月内便建成。明亮舒适的学校为孩子们提供了一个绝佳的临时学习场所,让许多人过目难忘。
↑ 华林小学临时校舍, 2008年, 中国成都
↑ 纸隔间系统 4, 2011年, 日本
如同“侠客”一样的坂茂不光频频参与灾区重建,同时他也是一个在建筑上很难界定的才华横溢建筑师。2000年汉诺威世博会的日本馆面积巨大,却没有使用到一根柱子,优美的构筑物在完成使命之后,所有的建设材料“纸”“竹”都被回收再利用,没有浪费一点一滴。这不光体现出日本建筑发展的先进性和丰富性,也印证了坂茂本人那句话:“作为一个建筑师,我设计了美丽的建筑物。但同时,建筑师应该有社会责任。” ↑ 汉诺威世博会日本馆, 2000年, 德国
坂茂在11岁因为手工纸模型建筑获得学校奖赏而开始下决心以后成为建筑师。坂茂大学在东京艺术大学度过,后又在美国西海岸的SCI-Arc和东海岸The Cooper Union经历了两种截然不同的建筑教育,毕业的他在没有任何工作经验的情况下回东京开设了自己的事务所。现在,他的事务所已经在巴黎和纽约拥有分部,项目涵盖小住宅,博物馆,会议中心,办公楼等宽广的建筑范围。 ↑ 赫斯利九桥高尔夫球会所, 2010年, 韩国
↑ 纸板教堂, 2013年, 新西兰基督城
不受潮流影响,独树一帜的坂茂被普利兹克建筑奖评委会主席帕伦博勋爵评价为:“他对工作对象有着深厚的理解,特别强调对尖端材料和技术的运用;有充分的好奇心和执着;创新永无止境;独到的眼光以及敏锐的感官。他还拥有任何普利兹克奖得主都必不可少却又难以描摹的气质。” (现场采访:西南交通大学老师邓敬老与殷红) 1 在坚持探索“纸”这个材料这么多年,“纸”的什么特性最打动你?你觉得它还有哪些新可能性?
After years of exploration of "paper", what is the salient feature of it , and is there any other new possibilities in using paper? Shigeru Ban
I don’t understand why people ask me so much about paper, everybody now look at the paper, and paper are made of wood.but the paper are uses the roll paper, it’s cheap, cheap as I say, but it’s strong, but otherwise, the paper is paper. 2 你的灾后避难所,在世界上任何条件艰苦的场所都保证了作品的极高完成度,有什么心得分享给大家?
Your design has improved the environment of post-disaster refuge, how to ensure the completeness of your projects in such a tough condition. Shigeru Ban
I don’t think I have been put into anything, just..I always go to the disaster site, you know the disaster site, to look for what they need, for example, the 2008, we built the temporary elementary school, also I started building, a temporary house at that time. But also they said we don’t need anymore, temporary houses, that’s why we met the school master, (yeah)she asked us to make a temporary school, so I always go to the site to find out what is locally nessasary, what they need actually. So that’s time to school, that’s time to an elementary school. So I’m not improving the environment, I’m just looking for something missing.some people Take care of majority of people, but my aim is looking for somebody who has, the smaller group of people, who has some particular problems, which cannot be solved by the government. Because I can’t do as much as you think, I have to go there to look for some particular people who have particular problems. 3
Since two of your designs have been applied in China, how do you think of the environment in China?Any suggestion? Shigeru Ban
Hahaha…actually I also built a house near the Great Wall by laminated bamboo, I was interested in developing the bamboo, but not tubelar shape, because the tubelar shape is very difficult to use productory. That’s why I made lamination. So it’s a sub building.
4 你是否渴求作品的永恒性?
Do you want your design to be an eternity? Shigeru Ban
Oh as I designed, the building couldn’t to look regulation,so it can be permenent.depending on the people. Like one I built in Kobe in 1995, the people supposed to be solely cleared. But because people there decided to use 10 years, then displayed in Taiwan, another disaster city, taiwan, as a permanent church.So if people love the building, it can permanent, if building was made to make money by developer even in concrete, that’s very temporary, other developper by the land instead of the building they put new in. So even in concrete, it’s very temporary. So even in paper, as long as the paper runs, it can be parmenant structure.
如何看待zaha hadid 事务所的合伙人Patrik Schumacher在Facebook上说:“是不是说那些想得普利茨克奖,或者诺贝尔物理学家奖的人就得在自己的东西里混上点人道主义关怀呢?”
you know Patrik Schumacher, the partner at Zaha Hadid Architects, said on facebook that "Does this mean that those who aspire to win the Pritzker - or the nobel prize in physics - have to add humanitarian charity work into the mix?", what do you think about it? Shigeru Ban
everybody has a different type of activities, I’m just the kind of people that pursues my life work, they have a different aim, different law. Different interest, different aim. 6 在你的职业生涯中, 有没有什么困难的时期, 你又是如果度过这些困难时期的?
Was there any difficult time at your office and how did you go through that difficult time? Shigeru Ban
我遇到过困难时期,事实上就在我设计蓬皮杜梅兹中心的时候,我预计是5年完成,结果我们花了7年。到最后一年我们还没拿到钱。 还有就是2008年我们遭受了经济冲击,我是指非常大的财政赤字。那时是在建一个博物馆,那段时间真的比较艰苦。
A6 oh yeah, actually that, when I designed the Pompidou center metz, I hoped that it is only for 5 years, but we spent seven years. For last year we were not paid at all. and also we met the 2008 financial shock, I mean the big financial deficit. It’s a museum project. It’s a difficult moment. ↑ 蓬皮杜梅斯中心, 2010年, 法国
How did you go through it?
Shigeru Ban
I do all of the paid.
cut off the budget?
Shigeru Ban
for few years.
是,实施了好几年。 7 你未来的计划?
what’s your next plan? Shigeru Ban
I’m doing project DPP now, because they had a earth striking in october, and a big typhoon in november, so I’ve asked to design a temperary church. also we are building now temperary shelter in Cebu right now. that’s the one I’m working on.