English Text by Saffet Kaya Bekiroglu, Project Designer and Architect, Zaha Hadid
As part of the former Soviet Union, the urbanism and architecture of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan on the Western coast of the Caspian Sea,
was heavily influenced by the planning of that era. Since its independence in 1991, Azerbaijan has invested heavily in modernising and
developing Baku’s infrastructure and architecture, departing from its legacy of normative Soviet Modernism.
Zaha Hadid Architects was appointed as design architects of the Heydar Aliyev Center following a competition in 2007. The Center, designed
to become the primary building for the nation’s cultural programs, breaks from the rigid and often monumental Soviet architecture that is so
prevalent in Baku, aspiring instead to express the sensibilities of Azeri culture and the optimism of a nation that looks to the future.
The design of the Heydar Aliyev Center establishes a continuous, fluid relationship
between its surrounding plaza and the building’s interior. The plaza, as the ground surface; accessible to all as part of Baku’s urban fabric,
rises to envelop an equally public interior space and define a sequence of event spaces dedicated to the collective celebration of contemporary
and traditional Azeri culture. Elaborate formations such as undulations, bifurcations, folds, and inflections modify this plaza surface into an
architectural landscape that performs a multitude of functions: welcoming, embracing, and directing visitors through different levels of the interior.
With this gesture, the building blurs the conventional differentiation between architectural object and urban landscape, building envelope and
urban plaza, figure and ground, interior and exterior.