The project handles the conversion of a 1923 industrial shed in an inner court in Madrid’s historic centre into loft apartments.
The main features of the space, greatly altered in a conversion, where its powerful steel trusses and the great glass skylight crowning
its centre.
井(工业大棚进深足够大)。The project establishes two basic operations: demolition of two rows of floor slabs and opening of continuous skylights above to illuminate
the lower areas of the space; and demolition of a construction wing obstructing the view towards the exuberant garden of Viana Palace,
allowing for three terraces perched above it.A loft is placed under the great skylight, between the two great trusses, as a great single space wide open to its terrace and the garden
beyond. A mezzanine level is built right under the skylight.
密花园。The remaining lofts, of varying sizes and configurations, are articulated around a main double- height vertical space culminating in a
complete skylight, like a covered patio. The lofts at the back open through terraces to the beautiful “secret” garden behind, affording a
unique landscape in Madrid. The careful connection of the different levels creates a spiral movement marked by light from the basement,
lit by a generous patio, through the central vertical space and side wing culminating in the terrace open both to the garden and the
central space.In the disposition of all the lofts we searched for fluidity through differentiated spaces, facilitating their adaptation to whatever use might be
made of them. Arquitectos: Beriot, Bernardini Arquitectos.
Fotógrafias: Yen Chen / Carlos Pesqueira.