本帖最后由 xinshaojie 于 2014-2-8 09:29 编辑
设计师: 周静(派尚设计) (深圳市派尚环境艺术设计有限公司)
设计面积: 500平方米
完工时间: 2013年
Project Name: Villa in Vanke Songhu Center
Design Company: Shenzhen Panshine Interior Design Co., Ltd.
Designed Area: 500 square meters
Completion Time: 2013
Main Materials: Natural marble, natural wooden veneer, embroidered leather, art glass, brushed copper
项目为兼具会馆功能的 500平米商务别墅,目标客户群为自由游走于中西文化间的成功企业家,因此我们选用中西合璧的设计方案。对于传统的元素,我们经过了感性的提取,理性的加工与运用;另一方面,通过现代的表现形式营造出符合现代人生活的空间环境,让人们在内心得到熏陶后再从容感悟传统的魅力,境由心生,在不经意中感受中西文化各自独特的魅力。 The project is 500 square meters of business villa with function of club. The target customers are successful entrepreneurs freely converting between Chinese and Western cultures, so we selected a designing proposal combining Chinese and Western factors. For traditional elements, we perceptually extracted and rationally utilized and processed. On the other hand, the space environment suitable to modern people’s life is built through modern manifestation, so that people can easily feel charm of tradition after edified in heart. Environment comes from the feeling. You will unconsciously feel individual unique charm of Chinese and Western cultures.