本帖最后由 李京泽_zZ 于 2013-12-6 16:31 编辑
项目名称:长宁钻石展馆 Cheungning Diamond Exhibition
项目地点:中国深圳Shenzhen, China
设计公司:汉诺森建筑室内设计机构 HALLUCINATE DESIGN
客户:长宁国际钻石贸易集团 Cheungning International Diamond Trade Group
汉诺森设计机构(Hallucinate Design)是一家整合建筑、室内、平面、多媒体技术和品牌终端形象设计服务的多元化建筑室内设计机构。团队组成来自建筑工程、展示、视觉传达、多媒体、传播等多个不同领域的设计师及工程师。 HALLUCINATE 原意为“幻觉”,表达了我们设计关注体验,关注外在和内在的精神诉求,根据每个项目的背景功能及精神需求以最具前瞻性的视角,运用商业经验、建筑及室内材料、空间心理学、物理、化学、科技、灯光等多学科技术和艺术结合来研究空间设计。
在展会这样的繁杂环境里,我们认为“引力”是最重要的品质。设计灵感来自“核”,因为它象征着生命茁长之源泉,能量焕发之初始。长宁展馆跳脱而出的清新面貌在现场传递出强烈的视觉力量,给人们留下深刻印象。做为展厅的设计方汉诺森设计机构。我们将“可循环、可移动”的理念植入到展馆的设计中,馆体是净致的,外形流畅而绵延。通过实验开发出既能在形态上符合客户需要,又能在空间环境上满足安静需求的吸音棉填充管,以充棉线条体的基础材料作为表面皮肤,内部采用可拆装的异型钢支架,不仅克服了拼装和短期装修的挑战,还带来一个大体量的“柔韧”空间。这种管材可以单独生产,在现场拼装,在展览结束后也可以拆除带走,在另外的场地重新组装成为展馆,这样既减少了展览的浪费和污染,也增加了可利用率。 基于日趋严重的环境问题,把环保的概念与展览结合,将原先展览所需的实用性、可观性等等需求加进去,寻找其中的平衡点。从这次的尝试开始,我们重新思考设计的定义和责任,寻找研究其中新的平衡。
Cheungning as a well-known international diamond processing businessgroup, has transformed from a traditional family firm to beinternational listed company. It hopesto gain more attention by presenting an all new brand image at the exhibition. China is now at a fastdeveloping stage of expansion, it brings about the greater human desires,leading to more consumption. However, it causes a large amount of energy consumption, pollution and material waste etc. Whendesigning the booth, we proposed to have “environmentalprotection” as a priority and reduce unnecessary waste and pollution. The mostimportant quality is to stand out among the other booths at the exhibition. We got ourdesign inspiration from “seed”,which symbolizes the source and begging of life. The clearbooth in the shape of a cocoon is the result frommany tests. We alsoused the pipes in order to sound proof for considering the crowd during theexhibition. Using the basicmaterial, stripes of cotton to set up the booth skin. As for theinterior of the booth, we adopted steelframes for bring a mass volume with “flexible”space. This kind of pipescan be produced separately andassembled on-site. They can be removed and taken away after theexhibition. What’s more, it can be re-used and re-assembled for nextexhibition. With this specialdesign, it reduced wastage and cut down the pollution, italso increased the product usability. Due to theincreasingly environmental issue, it is important to incorporate the concept ofenvironmental protection into the exhibition. It is necessary to find a balanceby meeting the needs of exhibition such practicability and ornamental etc. We have to think deeplyabout the definition and responsibility of design to find a new balance betweenthem.
更多作品: Hallucinate