本帖最后由 yanqihu 于 2014-2-16 13:18 编辑
设 计 师:程光华 项目名称:华膳园温泉饭店夜总会室内设计 项目地点:北京 建筑面积:1800 平方米 主要材料: 地面:黑金花大理石、大花白大理石、透光石、地毯 墙面:南美黑檀、黒镜、黑镜钢、阿拉巴斯特灯片、布艺软包、仿皮皮革 天花:镜钢、黒镜雕花、LED光纤、乳胶漆
Sexy,charming,coquettish,and exaggerated feelings are the sources of design insoiration,the guests could feel the designer's delicate design from the entrance of the nightclub,the designer uses red as its basic color tone which shows usa sexy,charming and coquettish flavor,and the space looks like a fantastic and beautiful picture which attracts guests to visit.the club includes 3 trpes of 13 private rooms,middlesized rooms,small rooms.the layout of luxuriousrooms is monstrous and in picturesque disorder,it's colorful and coquettish,sexy and masterious.the integral luxury gives us a relaxing and enjoyable feeling.the layout of middle-sized rooms is very beautiful, the interspersed stainless steel enriches the decorative effect adds the mysterious feeling to the space,and gives us visual impact as well.the small rooms are in non-conventional type,interspersed with steel mirror and decorated with carpet,and the entire decorated with carpet,and the entire decorative effect is colorful and luxurious.
性感、妩媚、妖艳、夸张是设计灵感的主源,客人从进入夜总会空间开始,设计师就非常细腻地运用红色基调唯美的展现了会所的性感、妩媚和妖娆,恰如一幅美妙的画卷,吸引着客人信步而来。一层一层地展开画卷,婉如蚕蛹般漫妙、洒脱。随之而来的夸张奇异造型,唯美的展演出会所奢华、桀骜而又冷峻的效果。走廊装饰时而蓝光、时而紫光、时而玫瑰红色,仿佛少女般的轻歌漫舞,引领客人渐入佳境。 会所共有十三个包房,共分三种类型:豪华大包房、中包房、小包房。豪华大包房造型奇妙怪异、错落有致,色彩斑斓妖艳、性感且富有神秘的感觉,整体奢华时尚,带给客人一种全身心的放松、休闲和享受。中包房造型节奏感极强,极富韵律美感,不锈钢的错落有致运用,丰富了室内装饰效果,增添了神秘感,极具现代视觉冲击力。小包房异型造型墙穿插镜钢材质,搭配曲线地毯,整体装饰效果炫丽多彩、奢华时尚。