中国建筑师amphibianArc设计宜昌新区的总体规划有机形式的构造博物馆,规划展览中心和位于南部引用辅助程序虫茧丝绸,中国嫘祖娘娘致敬-发明者丝绸织机。 the unrepeated pattern of the exterior covering is parametrically generated as to appear woven by nature.参数的外部覆盖的不重复的图案产生出现编织性质。 the diameter of the aluminum pipe used reinforces this effect.所使用的铝管的直径加强这种效果。 it is also serves a practical function.它也提供一个实用的功能。 offset 1.5 m from the concrete shell of the building, the spun envelope acts as a shading and cooling device for interior spaces.偏移1.5米的混凝土外壳的建筑,纺出的信封作为遮光和冷却装置的室内空间。 inside the cultural centers sweeping forms circulate the visitor through open luminous galleries, interspersed with appropriately lighted auditoria and exhibition spaces.文化中心内,席卷形式循环访客通过开放式发光画廊,穿插适当点亮的礼堂和展览空间。
a system of ponds meander through the unbuilt site as part of the rainwater harvesting system designed to take advantage of yichang's humid subtropical climate.池塘蜿蜒通过一个系统的一部分未建网站的雨水收集系统设计充分利用宜昌的亚热带湿润气候。 several kinetic sculptures disbursed throughout the plan are powered by water flowing through the pools across the gently sloping land.在整个计划中发放一些动感雕塑通过水流通过跨越平缓的土地池供电。